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Giant dress showcasing anti-gay laws on display

Giant dress showcasing anti-gay laws on display


The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress, a 16-metre-wide work of art made up of the flags of the 68 countries where homosexuality is illegal, is on display at Taipei City Hall until Saturday.

Arnout van Krimpen, one of the designers of the dress, said he spent six years traveling the world with the piece, which is on display in the Town Hall lobby until the 20th edition of the Taiwan Pride Saturday.

The dress is a living work of art, with flags removed if a country legalizes homosexuality, he said.

Photo: ANC

Since 2016, only nine countries have seen their flag removed.

Van Krimpen said he felt the pace of change was too slow in the third of countries that still criminalize homosexuality.

With the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress, we want to raise awareness among members of our community who are at risk of being arrested, persecuted, tortured or even murdered by the authorities simply because they are who they are, said Van Krimpen .

Guido Tielman of the Dutch office in Taipei, which helped organize Amsterdam’s Rainbow Dress visit to Taiwan, says his country is committed to decriminalizing sexual orientation and gender identity around the world, to fight against discrimination and violence and to promote social acceptance.

Same-sex marriage is currently legalized in [only] 33 countries in the world [including Taiwan]Tielman said.

Tielman said Taiwan stood out as a pioneer as the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, adding that he was happy to see Taiwan Pride return to the streets of Taipei after an absence of a year due to COVID-19.

Taiwan Pride held online last year drew nearly 200,000 attendees in 2019 and 130,000 in 2020.

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