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The Angelina Jolies fashion boutique in New York, former studio of Jean-Michel Basquiat, is the battleground for street artists, a rival who continues to paint it pink

The Angelina Jolies fashion boutique in New York, former studio of Jean-Michel Basquiat, is the battleground for street artists, a rival who continues to paint it pink


An iconic downtown building that was once the studio of legendary painter Jean-Michel Basquiat is at the center of a feud between Big Apple street artists after a rogue muralist covered “years” of art with hot pink papier-mâché – for the third time in a year.

The face of 57 Great Jones Street in NoHo, now home to Angelina Jolie's luxury fashion business, has long been a mecca for those who view street art as an essential part of the city's cultural landscape.

Acolytes of the graffiti legend were furious to discover the building covered in a layer of pink gunk, erasing years of artwork from the famous storefront for the third time in less than a year.

There's years of art down there. It’s like the texture of the city,” street artist Doodle Hedz told the Post. The street art community is like What the f–k bro? Why would you want to do that?”

Atelier Jolie at 57 Great Jones Street, days after the iconic graffiti covering its facade was covered in pink papier-mâché Paul Martinka

Others were more direct in their assessment of the vandal.

“He is bad. This is the third time he’s done it,” said an artist named Scott. You can spend hours creating something that you share with the city for free and someone comes in with 79 cents worth of pink paint and crap everywhere.

The old stable was once owned by Andy Warhol, who allowed Basquiat to live and work there from 1983 until his death in 1988.

Jolie first rented the premises eight years ago, and in February she opened her fashion business, Atelier Jolie, there.

Art lover Michael Singleton, 57, was disgusted that the vandal even covered up the Jean-Michel Basquiat plaque Paul Martinka

Jolie wanted to remain sensitive to New York artists by allowing them to continue to use the storefront as a canvas and pay homage to Basquiat – as they have for decades.

When Jolie got the lease, everyone was freaking out that she was going to paint it,” Doodle Hedz said. But the rumor in the street is [renowned graffiti artist] Albert Diaz spoke to Angelina Jolie and asked her to leave the front alone, and she was going to let him. »

The people who work there are very nice,” said the artist. They still let us do this and don't call the cops. It is one of the few walls in the city still dedicated to street art.

Although the motivations behind the rose vandalism remain unclear, the artists do not believe Jolie or her store had anything to do with it.

No. Not at all,” replied Doodle Hedz when asked if there was a connection with the actress. No one can understand why he destroys the work of other artists. There is such a complete lack of respect for art.

“What are you angry about?” Are you angry with Basquiat? Are you angry at the street art community? Are you jealous? Do you have no talent for coming up with anything else, so you're just going to cover up everyone's bullshit? For what? It's the people's passion, the blood, the sweat, the tears, asked Doodle Hedz.

The building was the home and studio of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat in the 1980s. EPA
Angelina Jolie opened her high-end fashion store and cafe, Atelier Jolie, in the building in February GC Images

Art lover Michael Singleton, 57, called the vandalism “idiotic” and pointed out that a Greenwich Village Historical Preservation Society plaque on Basquiat, mounted out front, was left illegible because of the papier-mâché.

“I get art and graffiti, but it’s just stupid. The plaque told everyone what this place was and they repainted the plaque. It’s ridiculous,” he said.

It is unclear who is behind these repeated acts of vandalism, but some on the street believe that artist Roberto Palacio is the culprit.

Palacio, whose past work included cutting laundry detergent bottles in half and taping them to paper towels before painting them entirely pink, has not claimed responsibility for the vandalism but has posted numerous posts on social networks about it with cryptic messages.

“The pinkest painting rose in the known universe was planted specifically on the first day of spring, March 19 (official time, 11:06 p.m.). The spring equinox has arrived!” he wrote Wednesday alongside a photo of the dewy façade – even though Doodle Hedz said he discovered the vandalism a day earlier, on the morning of March 18.

Artist Roberto Palacio suggested on social media that he was the culprit behind repeated acts of vandalism in the building. @reezopalacio / Instagram
Palacio posted an apparent selfie outside the building after a snap in August @reezopalacio / Instagram

Shortly after one of the pink-outs in August, Palacio posted a selfie of a masked man in front of the freshly painted storefront at night, and even a photo of someone's hands covered in pink paint next to the caption “'The erasure. OF JEAN-ll'; ROSE.”

Palacio could not be reached for comment when contacted by The Post.

The artists said that despite the culprit's activities, they would not be deterred by its destruction.

“They are so cowardly that they don’t even show their faces, they just paint on our stuff,” said artist Savior Elmundo. “If we knew who did this, believe me, all these street artists would confront them.”

“This happened three times. Every time he comes as an asshole, we'll come back. It's stupid, he's an idiot, he's wasting paint. We'll come back and say, “Thanks, we'll do some new work.” »




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