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Kelly Bensimon goes wedding dress shopping

Kelly Bensimon goes wedding dress shopping


Kelly Kiloren Bensimon is getting ready for wedding season.

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Less than a year after announcing her engagement, The Real Housewives of New York alumna took her fans on her recent quest for the perfect wedding dress. Kelly posted a April 18 Instagram carousel that documented her trip to the Carolina Herrera flagship store on Madison Avenue.

Looking for the perfect wedding dress, she captioned the post, followed by hashtags wedding and dresses.

Kelly Bensimon shows off several wedding dress options

The Instagram showed Kelly inside the luxurious retail space, where she took a few photos with the brand's namesake designer. She also took several photos of stunning dress designs, including two fit-and-flare silk dresses (one in sunshine yellow and the other in blush pink) as well as a sleeveless white midi dress with an all-over floral print.

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It's unclear whether the dress hunt was for Kelly's upcoming wedding or a ceremony she was invited to.

Kelly Bensimon gets engaged to financier Scott Litner

The Ultimate Real Housewives Girls' Trip alum confirmed her engagement in July 2023, approximately 16 years after finalizing her divorce from Gilles Bensimon. She and the fashion photographer married in 1997 and went on to have two daughters together: Sea Louise Bensimon and Thadeus Teddy Ann Bensimon.

Kelly's now-fiancé, Scott Litner, popped the question last year during their summer getaway to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The financier gave Kelly a stunning emerald-cut diamond engagement ring (seen above) and celebrated the new chapter with a quiet, romantic dinner in Chicago.

I never thought I could be this happy at this point in my life, it's truly a new beginning, Kelly said. AND! News just days after Scott's proposal. We have a romance that people write novels about.

Kelly Bensimon reveals plans for two wedding ceremonies

Several months later, Kelly said People review that she and Scott were planning two weddings, one of which was scheduled for June 22, 2024. A smaller, more intimate ceremony will be held in the backyard of Scott's family home, while the second will be a celebration much larger in the Hamptons.

So we're working on setting dates for all of that. Why have one when you can have two? she told the outlet in December. When this first started, I was like, “I’m going to be so relaxed about this.” I'm going to be the coolest bride ever. But then I started doing it. At this point, I think I might become a real bride! I just think I could wear these shoes really well.




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