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Opposition MPs disappointed by federal budget's progress on red-suit alert system

Opposition MPs disappointed by federal budget's progress on red-suit alert system


The federal budget's promise to spend $1.3 million to develop a regional missing persons alert for Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people falls far short of what's needed, opposition MPs say Committee on the Status of Women of the House of Commons.

The federal government launched consultations last December to create a national “red dress” alert system that would notify the public when an Indigenous woman, girl or two-spirit person goes missing.

NDP MP Leah Gazan, who helped lead the consultations, said she was surprised by the budget's commitment, which provides far less money than planned to combat car theft.

“The message is very clear: this country cares more about cars than Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people,” Gazan said.

The budget proposes spending $1.3 million over three years to co-develop a regional emergency notification system with Indigenous partners as part of the first phase of the project.

Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree suggested the alert could be tested in certain regions of the country, such as Regina or Vancouver.

He told the committee he expected a national system would eventually be developed, but it would take time.

“It’s frustrating in the sense of how long it takes to move forward,” Anandasangaree said.

Winnipeg Center NDP MP Leah Gazan, surrounded by family members of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people, speaks at a news conference Tuesday.  May 2, 2023 in Ottawa.
Winnipeg Center NDP MP Leah Gazan is urging the federal government to speed up work on a red-suit alert system. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press)

The Committee on the Status of Women is unanimous, across all parties, in favor of a red dress alert system.

MPs from the Bloc Qubcois, NDP and Conservatives pressed Anandasangaree and other federal officials Thursday evening to accelerate progress.

Conservative MP Dominique Vien questioned whether the federal government had the political will to get the job done.

“What are you waiting for to move forward?” » said Vien.

Details still need to be resolved, according to the minister

While there is consensus among provinces and territories in favor of a red-suit alert system, Anandasangaree said some details still need to be worked out, including criteria and monitoring.

He said one of the biggest obstacles is that law enforcement is the primary provider of most public alert systems.

“The challenge that I face and the resistance that I encounter from many local indigenous women's organizations and women who have been working in this area for many, many years is an endemic distrust of the police,” he said. said Anandasangaree.

He said trust must be restored.

Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree said one of the challenges facing a red dress alert is working with law enforcement.
Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree said the federal government would launch a regional red dress alert system before creating a national version. (Spencer Colby/Canadian Press)

Anandasangare said he could not provide a timetable for the alert system but would work with Gazan to develop one.

“As a committee we must ensure that the government makes this red dress scare a top priority,” said Conservative MP Anna Roberts.

Deputy Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Valerie Gideon said the government must take the time to engage with Indigenous communities because they are not homogeneous and have divergent views on how a system should work. alert.

“In my experience, when the federal government rushes to impose a solution on Indigenous people, it doesn't work,” Gideon said.




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