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Jennifer Lopez, 54, Shows Off Gym-Sharp Curves in Stunning Bodycon Dress

Jennifer Lopez, 54, Shows Off Gym-Sharp Curves in Stunning Bodycon Dress


Jennifer Lopez struck sartorial gold on Saturday while enjoying a night out with friends. Tagging vocal coach Stevie Mackey and rapper Young Miko, the 54-year-old gave fans a glimpse of her latest look on Instagram.

Showing off her gym-honed curves in a cream midi dress with a slit in the back, Jennifer teamed her timeless bodysuit with statement earrings, a croc-print handbag, chocolate stilettos and a tailored coat.

Twirling in front of the camera, Jennifer's caramel tresses were blow-dried to perfection. As for her makeup, the mother of two sported a brown smokey eye, pale pink blush and nude lipstick. She captioned the video: “Mom's Night Out.”

Among the comments, fans couldn't help but admire Jennifer's stunning ensemble, not to mention her sculpted physique, which she maintains with a strict diet. “Very rarely do I skip my workout,” Lopez previously said. Us every week. “Sometimes I work too late the night before and I'm like, 'Ugh, I can't do this.' But I say to myself: “Do it. It's only an hour.” It's just making you look like a lazy bum.

“I don't like doing it later; it's harder to do it when I already have my day,” she continued. “I train three or four times a week.”

Jennifer Lopez walks in New York© Getty
Jennifer trains three or four times a week

The star, who trains with Tracy Anderson in Los Angeles and David Kirsch in New York, is known for mixing up her workouts, oscillating between dance classes and bodybuilding. As for her diet, JLo's trainer Tracy Anderson said People: “I make her eat very healthy because she needs very good fuel for everything she does.

Jennifer Lopez carrying a Lady Dior bag in a dark green colorway © Getty
Mom of two avoids processed foods

“Everything is fresh. There's nothing processed just [protein powder] in a shake if we do a protein shake one day. She's a very well-rounded person, so she won't miss Thanksgiving or a vacation with her kids,” Tracy added. “That's one of the reasons why training is important, and it's so consistent that we let's not do any. a kind of extreme diet. »

Jennifer Lopez wears a gold caped dress©Instagram
Jennifer attended the 2024 Hispanic Federation Gala in New York on Thursday evening

It's been a busy week for music mogul Jennifer, who recently won the Premio Orgullo award at the 2024 Hispanic Federation Gala held at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Pictured Thursday evening, the singer transformed into a golden goddess, donning a caped creation by Filipino fashion designer Monique Lhuillier. To add a touch of sparkle, the honoree chose a selection of decadent diamond jewelry from Messika and Boucheron.

Jennifer Lopez wears a gold Monique Lhuillier dress©Instagram
The singer accessorized her Monique Lhuillier dress with Messika and Boucheron diamond jewelry

Sporting luscious locks, the This Is Me…Now actress clearly took inspiration from her Paris Haute Couture Week glam, emulating the voluminous side part and loose curls style that had the heads earlier this year. We can't wait to see what she wears next!




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