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Jennifer Anistons' $278 Floral Dress Is From Reformation

Jennifer Anistons' $278 Floral Dress Is From Reformation


A floral dress in spring is like Friends theme song: It's something that's always there for you.

Speaking of which, that's exactly what we saw in the very first photo of one of Jennifer Aniston's recent Instagram photos, sort of. We could only see the smallest piece of her black spaghetti strap dress in close-up, but according to the brand, she wore the Kourtney Reformation Dresswhich costs $278.

Aniston was thriving in Reformation, but other stars sowed the seeds before her: Jennifer Lopez wore two dresses from the brand during her European travels in 2022, while Sarah Jessica Parker chose a floral dress in spring last. Taylor Swift and Blake Lively, meanwhile, wore a Reformation cardigan and overalls, respectively. And, according to the brand, other fans include Jennifer Lawrence, Gabrielle Union, Olivia Rodrigo and Miley Cyrus.

Besides the seasonality of flowers, there are other reasons to wear a floral dress in spring. No one wants their clothes to stick to their thighs, armpits or back, so a light, airy option allows the breeze to circulate when it starts to get hot. This is a unique style that causes less decision fatigue when putting on an outfit.

Floral Dresses Inspired by Jennifer Aniston

Kourtney Reformation Dress


Although you can't tell from Aniston's photos, her dress was a midi length, which perfectly matches what other stars are wearing this season. There's also a slit on one side which elevates it for summer weddings, while the stretchy back will help with comfort as you sit, stand and dance after the nuptials. Aniston's black color is no longer available, but this green version would be perfect for a backyard ceremony.

Long trapeze dress with V-neck and spaghetti straps Btfbm


This Amazon dress is a more informal way to wear the pattern: it's not as tight on the body, and it's lightweight and perfect for [a] summer day, according to a buyer. The straps are also thin, like the Anistons, and the buttons allow you to adjust the neckline to be higher or lower. Sizes S through XL are available, and there are three floral variations and three polka dot ones, which is another pattern at the moment.

Free People Heat Wave Floral Print High/Low Dress, $81 (Save 25%)


This high-low style is almost both a maxi dress and a midi dress, and the rayon fabric should also be flattering around the stomach and legs because it's not clingy. Living where it's over 100 degrees three months a year, this dress fits my need for something lightweight. [and] easy to wear, said one buyer. Plus, it's a great fit for someone with a larger chest, they added.

We feel the power of flowers thanks to Jennifer Aniston. Keep scrolling to shop more floral dresses inspired by the actress now.

Lulus My Favorite Day Navy Floral Print Tulip Skirt Midi Dress


Blu Pepper Sleeveless Floral Button Front Midi Dress

Nordstrom Support

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Abercrombie & Fitch Ruffle Ruffle Maxi Dress

Abercrombie & Fitch

The Drop Britt Tiered Maxi Tent Dress


Btfbm Floral Wrap V-Neck A-Line Pleated Midi Dress, $43 with coupon





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