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Self-Portrait diversifies its offer and adds a range of costume jewelry

Self-Portrait diversifies its offer and adds a range of costume jewelry
Self-Portrait diversifies its offer and adds a range of costume jewelry


LONDON – British brand Self-Portrait is adding costume jewelry to its offering, following the successful launch of a bag two years ago.

The jewelry range draws on the brand's signature bow motif, which also serves as a key decoration across its growing bag business, as well as across the ready-to-wear offering.

Priced between £95 and £200, the accessible collection includes sparkling earrings, chunky gold bracelets and crystal bow brooches in 18k gold plated and 18k white gold.

In an interview, Han Chong, founder and creative director of Self-Portrait, said the collection is designed to “make you feel good and bring a sense of joy and cheerfulness with each piece.”

While the key styles seen in the launch campaign may appear feminine and sparkly, Chong said the jewelry line is aimed at a diverse audience.

Campaign for Self-Portrait's first jewelry collection

Campaign for Self-Portrait's first jewelry collection.

Courtesy of Self-Portrait

“Self-Portrait celebrates so many different personalities and customers, so the jewelry also needs to tell different stories to satisfy them,” Chong added. “We are a global brand, so we have to take into account different cultures, lifestyles, skin tones and even climates. Beauty standards can vary greatly from place to place, so it's essential to offer a wide range of products and styles that resonate with different walks of life.

“We have the elegant gold pearl earrings for a sophisticated touch, and then there are the big bow diamond earrings that really make a statement. There’s something in there for every lifestyle,” Chong said.

After the launch, Chong said he would listen to customer feedback and learn for the next collection. “We pay attention to what excites her, keeps her interested. Being agile allows us to create products that bring joy and add a touch of fun when she wants to dress up and elevate her look,” he added.

Campaign for the first Self-Portrait jewelry collection

Campaign for Self-Portrait's first jewelry collection.

Courtesy of Self-Portrait

The launch of the jewelry line marks the latest step in Self-Portrait’s diversification of its business. According to Chong, the bag line, which was launched two years ago, now accounts for 9% of the brand’s total business and he expects the growth of the jewelry line to follow a similar trajectory.

“When we launch new product categories, we approach them with careful consideration and in-depth research. There is a lot of passion behind creating the best possible products to ensure our customers feel the same way,” Chong said.

On July 11, Self-Portrait will organize its annual summer party. An ideal opportunity to highlight jewelry pieces, but also the brand's fall 2024 collection, which mixes relaxed silhouettes and elegant simplicity with dresses in satin, velvet and tweed.




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