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Here are the top fashion moments from the NCR

Here are the top fashion moments from the NCR


The Republican National Convention is the party to party And as with any other party, attendees were faced with a crucial question: what to wear.

The sartorial choices took on added significance this year after former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt over the weekend, creating a particularly festive, if highly risqué, atmosphere in Milwaukee.

If the speeches were predictable, the outfits were not. From high fashion to streetwear, the outfits chosen by the congressmen sent clear messages about the state of the party and its key players. After all, fashion can say a lot about how people want to be seen; even Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance subtly changed style before his selection as Trump's running mate.

These are the sets that defined the convention.

Nikki Haley's Unity Dress

Nikki Haley, RNC model

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley was Trump's most unexpected rival at the convention and showed up in an equally striking dress.

The light blue button-down dress had knee-length sleeves and a slight sheen, and was splashed with a pink and green floral pattern. It fit Haley's tendency to stand out from the crowd; at the first Republican debate last year, she wore a similar silhouette, drawing attention from onlookers in a line of suits. Tuesday's dress was by Teri Jon, a favorite of Haley's, Women's Everyday Clothing reported.

Her goal last night was to help unify the party, not to look like a candidate, her spokeswoman Chaney Denton told the outlet. Denton added Haley dresses to connect with people, a philosophy that was clearly seen in the sweaters she donned while campaigning in Iowa.

Lara Trump's No-Frills Black Blouse

Lara Trump

Amid a parade of red sheath dresses, the former president's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, wore a black top with an asymmetrical satin collar as she took the stage Tuesday night. She paired it with white pants and red-soled heels.

Trump's funeral gown underscored the seriousness of her message; she explained that she had taken her children away from the television days before so they would not be traumatized by seeing their grandfather get shot.

The male figure also underscored her unique role. Trump recently became co-chair of the RNC, taking on one of the most prestigious positions in politics, and she said Thursday that she did not rule out a future in powerA ribbon brooch of red, white and blue gemstones set her apart from other rising stars; past vice presidential candidates, like South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Rep. Elise Stafanik (R-NY), have opted instead for glittering pins depicting the American flag.

Harmeet Dhillons gives a nod to his heritage

Harmeet Dhillon RNC

Andrew Cabellero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty

Harmeet Dhillon, a prominent Trump attorney and RNC member from California who previously ran for RNC chair, delivered the benediction Monday night in an outfit tied to her Indian heritage.

Dressed in Escada pants and a textured evening jacket, Dhillon recited a Sikh prayer, during which she covered her head with a silk scarf. The scarf came from a Punjabi outfit she wore as a teenager and was woven in Benares with silver-plated designs, she told The Daily Beast. She was especially proud of her jewelry: vintage English and French gold bangles repurposed from watch chains, a custom pearl necklace from Australian jeweler Margot McKinney, an owl brooch from Indian jeweler Vivek Ladha, and pearl and diamond earrings from Mumbai.

Harmeet Dhillon RNC

Dhillons' prayer captured reaction of the extreme rightBut the blessing and its vestments showed a core message the GOP has tried to convey: that it welcomes all races and faiths.

Sara Bradys Evening Dress

RNC Fashion Dresses

Sara Brady, an Idaho mom stopped After visiting a closed park at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, she designed several ball gowns for the convention, transforming herself into an elegant billboard.

Perhaps most striking is the siren silhouette of the Gadsden flag, the yellow banner printed with a coiled rattlesnake and the words “DON’T TREAD ON ME.” This symbol of revolution and defiance of government is a perfect fit for a party now dominated by Trump, who still vows to take on the worst bureaucrats in Washington.

Brady's dress also fits into a broader fashion context; it echoes the style Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) wore when she donned a Lets Go Brandon dress in 2021.

Matt Brooks Elephant Tie

RNC Mode Matt Brooks

Andrew Cabellero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty

Men’s dress codes leave less room for interesting outfits, and few politicians take sartorial risks. Republicans, in particular, rarely stray from the uniform of a dark suit and red tie. So it didn’t take much for Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matt Brooks to stand out. Speaking Tuesday, Brooks opted for a gold elephant-print tie from Charvet and Zegna shoes, an RJC spokesperson told The Daily Beast.

Brooks' place on the speaking list illustrates the party's growing appeal among Jewish voters amid the war in Israel. the first time He spoke at a convention, even though he has been attending them for decades. In fact, he bought the tie at the 2012 conference in Tampa. On Tuesday, he paired it with a matching yellow ribbon pin in support of the hostages still being held in Gaza.

RNC Mode Matt Brooks

Document distributed by the Republican Jewish Coalition

Brooks clearly understands the importance of these symbols, saying during his speech that President Trump would bring back law and order so that American Jews could once again wear a kippah and walk the streets without fear, as he held up one printed with the word Trump.

Blake Marnell's Brick Costume

RNC Mode

C-SPAN's cameras kept focusing on one man at the convention: Blake Marnell, who wore a signature orange suit with a brick pattern to signify his support for Trump's border wall.

Marnell, a California delegate, is a typical Trump example, passionate about border security, willing to crisscross the country to see the former president. dozens of timesand inspired by Trump's response to Saturday's shooting.

He witnessed it himself; his distinctive attire identifies him video of the tragic rally, where he can be seen in the front row as Trump falls to the ground.

All the crazy hats

RNC Fashion Hat

RNC Fashion Lincoln Hat

RNC Fashion Hat

RNC Mode 1776

RNC Fashion Elephant Hat

Kamil Krzaccynski/AFP/Getty

RNC Fashion Hat

RNC Fashion Hat

RNC Fashion Hat

For convention attendees looking to show off their party pride in small doses, hats were a must-have option. Elephant ears and a Lincoln top hat both made appearances at the Fiserv Forum.

Bling-bling shoes

RNC Fashion Shoes

After Trump showed off expensive gold high-tops earlier this year, his fans followed suit. From sparkly pumps to American flag sneakers, they went all out with their footwear.

Solidarity ear bandages

The most popular trend at the Republican National Convention this week was the ear wrap, which many convention attendees wore after Trump appeared wearing one Monday night. To them, the medical accessory symbolized his resilience.

RNC mode headset

RNC Trendy Earflap Beanie

RNC Fashion Uncle Sam's Ear

Criminal Clothing

RNC Fancy Necklace

Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/Getty

RNC fashion jacket

The convention outfits demonstrated that Republicans have no qualms about naming a convicted felon, and many of them sported Trump’s face. Some outfits directly acknowledged how Teflon Don bounced back from the jury’s decision; unfortunately, no jury will decide whether he committed fashion crimes.




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