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Meghan co-star Markle Suits befriends designer wedding dresses


Meghan Markle's royal wedding took place almost two years ago, but it looks like the Duchess of Sussex's dress designer Clare Waight Keller and Suits' former co-star Abigail Spencer, have established a lasting friendship.

Abigail, 38, a Instagram Storiesto share photos of the handwritten card and flowers that Clare, 49, sent to her before her Givenchy fall 2020 show, which took place Sunday during Paris Fashion Week.

& # 39; Dear Abigail, I can't wait to see you at my show !! Lots of love! x Clare, ”wrote the designer. In addition to the flowers, she also sent Abigail a bag of clothes and accessories to wear for the presentation.

Style star: Abigail Spencer, former co-star of Meghan Markle's Suits, attended the Givenchy fall 2020 fashion show on Sunday during Paris Fashion Week

Style star: Abigail Spencer, former co-star of Meghan Markle's Suits, attended the Givenchy fall 2020 fashion show on Sunday during Paris Fashion Week

Link? Givenchy's artistic director, Clare Waight Keller, has become close to Meghan, 38, since the design of her wedding dress. They are pictured at the British Fashion Awards in 2018

Link? Givenchy's artistic director, Clare Waight Keller, has become close to Meghan, 38, since the design of her wedding dress. They are pictured at the British Fashion Awards in 2018

& # 39; Big kisses! & # 39; Abigal went to Instagram Stories on Sunday to share a photo of the handwritten note Claire sent her before the show

& # 39; Big kisses! & # 39; Abigal went to Instagram Stories on Sunday to share a photo of the handwritten note Claire sent her before the show

The actress shared videos of her getting her hair and makeup done in a floral dress before posting a snapshot of her Givenchy handbag and heels.

Abigail then made an elegant silhouette during the parade when she posed for photos wearing a transparent black lace top with a short cape, black dress pants and classic black heels.

She was joined by Miguel Alberto Enamorado, director of fashion at the Harpers Bazaar, when she attended the parade at the Hippodrome de Longcham, a horse racing center in Paris.

Gray's star Anatomy posted videos of her entering the smoke-filled venue as well as images of the models strutting on the runway during the show.

So sweet: Clare, 49, also sent Abigail flowers and a bag full of clothes and accessories to wear for the show

So sweet: Clare, 49, also sent Abigail flowers and a bag full of clothes and accessories to wear for the show

So sweet: Clare, 49, also sent Abigail flowers and a bag full of clothes and accessories to wear for the show

All black: Abigail posted a snapshot of the accessories Clare sent her to wear

All black: Abigail posted a snapshot of the accessories Clare sent her to wear

Visit the glam team! The actress shared videos of her getting her hair and makeup done in a floral dress

Visit the glam team! The actress shared videos of her getting her hair and makeup done in a floral dress

Visit the glam team! The actress shared videos of her getting her hair and makeup done in a floral dress

It's not known when Abigail first met Clare, but she probably connected with the designer while helping 38-year-old Meghan prepare for her wedding.

The Duchess of Sussex has only known Clare for a few years. She met the artistic director of Givenchy in January 2018, leaving the designer only 16 weeks to create her haute couture wedding dress.

Abigail, who is one of Meghan's closest friends, was one of the lucky guests who was invited to attend the former actress's wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018.

Just a month before the wedding, she said People that she and Meghan share a similar aesthetic while praising her sense of style.

Friends of fashion: Abigail was joined by Miguel Alberto Enamorado, the director of fashion at Harpers Bazaar, when she attended the show held at L & # 39; Hippodrome de Longcham

Friends of fashion: Abigail was joined by Miguel Alberto Enamorado, the director of fashion at Harpers Bazaar, when she attended the show held at L & # 39; Hippodrome de Longcham

Vibe: the star of Gray & # 39; s Anatomy has published videos of his entry into the smoky place

Vibe: the star of Gray & # 39; s Anatomy has published videos of his entry into the smoky place

Vibe: the star of Gray & # 39; s Anatomy has published videos of his entry into the smoky place

Glam gothic: Abigail then cut an elegant silhouette in the living room in a transparent black lace top with a short cape, black dress pants and classic black heels

Glam gothic: Abigail then cut an elegant silhouette in the living room in a transparent black lace top with a short cape, black dress pants and classic black heels

Red carpet: Abigail was all smiles, posing in her completely black outfit before the show

Red carpet: Abigail was all smiles, posing in her completely black outfit before the show

Red carpet: Abigail was all smiles, posing in her completely black outfit before the show

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"It tastes amazing, it really influenced my fashion and my taste," said Abigail. "We have a lot of similarities in what we like."

Meghan has worn Givenchy more than a dozen times since her wedding, and she also stunned the crowd at the British Fashion Awards in December 2018 when she made a surprise appearance to present Claire with the designer award British women's clothing of the year.

"This woman is so incredible. I got to know Meghan on such a personal level. For someone like that to trust you at such a personal time in their life … I can't thank you enough because it was the most beautiful time & amp; amp; # 39; said the designer to the Duchess of Sussex.

Color palette: Abigail also released videos of the parade, which features many red, black and white pieces

Color palette: Abigail also released videos of the parade, which features many red, black and white pieces

Moments of pleasure: Abigail and Miguel enjoyed a cocktail after the show

Moments of pleasure: Abigail and Miguel enjoyed a cocktail after the show

Where did they meet? It is not known when Abigail met Clare, who designed Meghan's wedding dress (photo). Abigail was one of the lucky guests who attended the royal wedding in May 2018

Where did they meet? It is not known when Abigail met Clare, who designed Meghan's wedding dress. Abigail was one of the lucky guests who attended the royal wedding in May 2018 (photo)

Where did they meet? It is not known when Abigail met Clare, who designed Meghan's wedding dress (left). Abigail was one of the lucky guests who attended the royal wedding in May 2018 (right)

It seems that Clare also became a good friend of Abigail, who seemed delighted to fly to Paris to support her during her last fashion show.

The show comes nearly two months after it was announced that Meghan had entered into negotiations with major fashion brands, including Givenchy, after the decision by her and Harry to withdraw from their royal functions and become financially independent.

"Meghan is very connected in the fashion industry and there are a lot of big brands who would like to partner with her on projects," said a source. The sun in January.

“There have already been active discussions with Givenchy. Some of these transactions could be worth millions of pounds. "

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