Ascot will allow “ playful '' & # 39; ties for the first time and the navy blue morning suits
The ever-changing trends within women's fashion have meant that navigating the Royal Ascot style rules has been something of a minefield of dress for women, with organizers even allowing suits.
But for male racing enthusiasts, the decisions have always been much simpler, with the classic gray and black morning suits as the only option.
Now however, in a nod to the changing trends, for the first time, men are allowed to wear a navy blue morning dress and even possibly "playful ties", alongside more choice traditional.
The Official Style Guide, released Tuesday, reinforces many proven rules, noting that gentlemen should wear a waistcoat and ties – but not a tie or bow tie – and a black or gray top hat. He also advises wearing black shoes with socks.
Juliet Slot, Commercial Director of Ascot Racecourse, said: Royal Ascot sets clothing trends for events throughout the summer season and this change in dress code recognizes an emerging trend in men's fashion formal, as we allow the navy blue morning dress in the royal precinct for the first time.
Fashion experts have suggested that changing the dress code could attract a younger generation, more accustomed to wearing city-centric business suit color, though organizers were keen to point out that development isn’t # 39; s not equivalent to a relaxation of the strict and deemed strict rules.
Favourbrook, this year's sponsor, has designed an exclusive collection that includes a three-piece morning suit in ultra-fine navy merino wool on the cover of this year's guide.
The navy offers modern elegance
Oliver Spencer, its founder and creative director, said: charcoal and gray will still be the traditional colors of the morning dress, but the navy offers a very modern elegance.
I am delighted to see how visitors to the royal precinct will appropriate it. The navy is a fundamental part of men's fashion, so why not wear it too.
Women in the royal compound are reminded that dresses and skirts should be of modest length defined as falling just above the knee or longer without straps, off the shoulder, halter neck and spaghetti straps.
Hats must be worn but fascinators are prohibited. In other forums, the headgear rules are slightly more relaxed, although it is recommended to wear a hat or fascinator at all times.
In no case should there be a suspicion of disguises, novelties, branded or promotional clothing.
The ninth annual style guide describes Royal Ascot, which takes place this year from June 16-20, as the highlight of the British season and the summer event by which all others are measured in terms of style.
The organizers are encouraging racing enthusiasts to adopt sustainable fashion this year, either by recycling an outfit, by renting one or by working with eco-friendly brands such as Mother of Pearl.
Pastels and flowers are described as some of the key trends for the coming season with innovative headwear considered the crowning accessory for the royal meeting.
For men, classic sewing, light summer suits and even playful ties would have become fashionable in evening wear.
Stephen Doig, Editor-in-Chief of the Men's Telegraphs, said: The change to the navy blue morning suit may seem like a relatively indefinable change (he hardly recommends electric pink), but in the fashionable world of traditional men's formal wear , this is quite a statement.
The morning costumes are traditionally black or gray – see Prince Charles in the latter at the wedding of Harry and Meghan – and although marine varieties exist of course, it is a departure to allow them in the enclosure Royal.
Why? Because in the unspoken codes of male attire, the navy is seen as a more city-centric, less majestic, straight and formal suit color than a black or gray suit.
This could, I would venture to say, tempt a younger clientele, put off by the ceremonial overtones of the funeral black and who do not want to dress as their fathers did.
Strict dress codenot a modern trend
Royal Ascot has applied strict dress codes since the early 19th century. The tradition was said to have been launched by Beau Brummel, a close friend of the Prince Regent.
In recent years, however, organizers have made a series of changes to attract a younger, more diverse crowd.
In 2017, it was announced that suits would be allowed for the first time in the Royal Enclosure.
It has also been announced that a new enclosure will seek to attract a new generation of racing enthusiasts by providing a "party vibe" and a "more vibrant vibe".
Last year, visitors were asked to follow the dress code that they feel most comfortable with, which means women can wear men's clothing – and vice versa – as long as the strict rules were not broken.
The policy has been designed to make transgender racing fans feel welcome during the event. A spokesperson said that Royal Ascot wanted to be inclusive.
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