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The key Xi Jinping learned from his father

The key Xi Jinping learned from his father


BEIJING, May 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ –“There are many noble people I wish to inherit from my father,” Xi Jinping, then Eastern Governor China Fujian Provincesaid in a congratulatory letter to his father Xi Zhongxun on his birthday in 2001.

Xi Zhongxun was part of the first generation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) central leaders. Xi Jinping often remembers the wisdom passed down to him by Elder Xi.

The term “people” is central to all the treasures Xi Jinping received from his father.

The man of the people

“My grandfather was a farmer, my father joined the revolution as a farmer, and I myself worked as a farmer for seven years,” Xi Jinping said.

During the period of the Agrarian Revolution, Xi Zhongxun, under the age of 20, devoted himself to establishing ShanxiGansu revolutionary border area. He used to say that “without the support of the masses, there would be nothing for us”.

Xi Jinping visited Liangjiahe, a small village in the northwest China Shaanxi Provincein mid-February to celebrate the Spring Festival in 2015. It was a homecoming for the urban-born Chinese president.

Fifty-three years ago, Xi, just before he turned 16, was sent to live in Liangjiahe as an “educated youth”.

He would spend the next seven of his most formative years living in this rural hamlet. This region, which is part of the Loess Plateau, was where communist revolutionaries, including his father, rose up to found New China.

“At that time, I did all kinds of wasteland reclamation, agriculture, hoeing, animal husbandry, coal transportation, hilling and manure transportation,” Xi recalled.

“As a servant of the people, I have my roots deep in the north Shanxi plateau because he cultivated my unchanging mission: to do practical things for the people,” Xi wrote in an autobiographical work. “Wherever I go, I will always be a son of the loess lands,” he he writes.

The man of the people

Xi Zhongxun once told his boy, “Regardless of your job title, serve the people diligently, consider the interests of the people with all your heart, maintain close ties with the people, and always remain accessible to the people.”

From his early years, Xi Jinping seemed indifferent to office trappings. He traveled for days, sometimes in the mountains, to talk with the people on the base, to learn about their difficulties and to help solve their problems.

In the 1980s, as many of his contemporaries went into business or went to study abroad, Xi gave up his comfortable office job in beijing and chose to work as Deputy Party Leader of a small northern county China Hebei Province. Later, he became the party leader of Ningde prefecture, one of the poorest regions in the east China Fujian Province at the time.

While in Ningde, Xi visited almost all of its counties, including three of the four without access to paved roads. Xiadang, a township nestled in the heart of the mountainous region of Shouning County, was one of them. At the time, the average annual per capita net income of farmers in Xiadang was less than 200 yuan (in regards to $40). It was one of the poorest townships in Fujian.

In November 2013during an inspection tour in the central province of HunanXi traveled to Shibadong, an ethnic Miao village described as “poor” at the time.

“What should I call you?” villager Shi Basan asked as she welcomed Xi into her home. “I am a servant of the people,” Xi introduced himself.

In his roughly five decades in politics, Xi has gone from a rank-and-file Party leader to the CCP leader, from an ordinary citizen to the country’s president, from an average military officer to chairman of the Central Military Commission. , while remaining committed to a better life for Chinese citizens.





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