We fought pressure from Donald Trump, state GOP officials tell Jan. 6 panel | Chicago News
Arizona State House Speaker Rusty Bowers, left to right, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Georgia Assistant Secretary of State Gabe Sterling are sworn in to testify as the committee House Restricted Investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. goes on to reveal the findings of a year-long investigation, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
WASHINGTON (AP) The House 1/6 Committee heard chilling and tearful testimony on Tuesday that Donald Trump’s relentless push to cancel the 2020 presidential election has prompted widespread threats to the backbone of our election workers. democrats and local officials who rebuffed the demands of defeated presidents despite personal risk.
The panel investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol focused on Trump’s efforts to undo Joe Bidens’ victory in the most local way by repeatedly relying on public officials in key battleground states with shocking proposals to outright reject ballots or submit alternative voters for final count in Congress.
The high-profile push, described as potentially illegal, was fueled by the presidents’ false allegations of voter fraud that the panel said spread dangerously across the states and ultimately led directly to the deadly insurgency on Capitol Hill.
A handful of election officials in several key states have stood between Donald Trump and the overthrow of American democracy, President Bennie Thompson has said, praising them as heroes and the backbone of our democracy.
The hearing was punctuated by accounts of personal attacks faced by state and local officials.
Arizona Republican House Speaker Rusty Bowers says he has been the subject of a public smear campaign, including relentless megaphone protests at his home and a gun-toting man making fun of his family and neighbors.
Officials in Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states told similar stories about having their cell phone numbers and home addresses publicly released after they refused Trump’s requests.
In a startling moment, two Georgian poll workers, a mother and daughter, testified that they lived in fear of saying their names out loud after Trump falsely accused them of voter fraud.
There were a lot of threats wishing me dead, said Wandrea ArShaye Shaye Moss, a former state election worker.
The public hearing, the panel’s fourth this month, stems from its year-long investigation into Trump’s unprecedented bid to stay in power, a sprawling ploy that the chairman of the Jan. 6 committee likened to an attempt of coup. The panel insisted that Trump’s lies about the election threaten democracy to this day, as local officials face constant threats and challengers try to get back to work.
The committee’s vice chair, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, implored Americans to heed the evidence presented, saying, “We can’t let America become a nation of conspiracy theories and thug violence.
A key witness was Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who testified to Trump’s phone call asking him to find 11,780 votes that could topple his state to prevent Bidens’ election victory.
Although the committee cannot charge Trump with any crime, the Justice Department is closely monitoring the panels’ work.
Trump has defended himself on social media, describing his phone call to Raffensperger as perfect, the same way he described the 2020 call with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy that resulted in his first impeachment.
Raffensperger’s public testimony came weeks after he appeared before a special grand jury in Georgia to investigate whether Trump and others illegally attempted to interfere in the 2020 election. Raffensperger defeated a backed challenger by Trump in the primary election last month.
He and Gabe Sterling, its chief operating officer, detailed their painstaking efforts to count Georgia’s vote, going down the rabbit hole, he said, investigating one false allegation after another of fraud. After a manual recount of 5 million ballots, Bidens’ victory remained unchanged.
The numbers don’t lie, said Raffensperger, who said some 28,000 Georgia voters simply bypassed the presidential race but voted against the others. At the end of the day, President Trump has failed.
Bowers, the Arizona House speaker who also appeared in person, explained what started with a phone call from Trump on a Sunday after he returned from church. The defeated president has presented a proposal for the state to replace its voters for Biden with others favoring Trump.
I said, look, you’re asking me to do something that’s against my oath, Bowers testified.
Bowers insisted on seeing evidence of Trump voter fraud, which he said Trump’s team had never produced beyond vague allegations. He recalled that Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, later told him, “We have a lot of theories, we just don’t have the evidence.
Trump wanted Bowers to hold a hearing at the state Capitol, but the Republican leader said there was already a circus atmosphere during the election. The panel showed video footage of protesters at the Arizona State House, including a key figure, cocked hat Jacob Chansley, who was later arrested during the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot.
Trump nonetheless pressed the Arizona official, including in a follow-up call, suggesting he expected a better response from a fellow Republican.
But Bowers said that because of his faith, including a belief that the US Constitution is divinely inspired, what the president was asking him to do was alien to my very being.
Bowers called Trump’s effort a tragic travesty.
With in-person testimony, Moss, who had worked for the Georgias Fulton County Department of Elections since 2012, and her mother, Ruby Freeman, a temporary election worker who spoke to the panel earlier, captivated the audience with their stories of the smear fallout. Trump and Giuliani campaign.
Do you know what it’s like to be targeted by the President of the United States? Freeman testified. The President of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not target one. But he targeted me.
The select committee described Trump’s elaborate fake voter program that sought to have representatives in no less than seven battlegrounds. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico say he, not Biden, won their states.
Several Republicans in Congress clung to the program as Jan. 6 approached.
The committee posted a text message from an aide to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., to an aide to Vice President Mike Pence on the morning of Jan. 6 saying Johnson wanted to give Pence an alternate list of voters for MI. and WI.
Don’t give him that, replied Chris Hodgson, Pence’s aide. And Johnson didn’t, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.
Conservative law professor John Eastman, Trump’s lawyer, pushed fake voters in the weeks after the election. The idea was to set up a challenge for Bidens to win when Congress convened Jan. 6 with Pence presiding in what is usually a ceremonial role to certify the election. Trump sent thousands of his supporters to the Capitol to fight like hell as he pressured Pence to reject the ballots. The effort ultimately collapsed amid the deadly riot, as Pence refused Trump’s demands to reject voters.
Sources 2/ https://news.wttw.com/2022/06/21/jan-6-panel-hear-tuesday-georgia-sec-state-others-trump-pushed The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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