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Putin’s Second World War plan unveiled: “London attack looms” after China-Russia deal | World | News


Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday defied China ordered that all Huawei technology be removed from the UK’s 5G network, under fierce pressure from US President Donald Trump and his own back lawmakers -ban on concerns related to ties with the Chinese state. But, Mr. Ellwood, who is currently chairman of the House of Commons special defense committee, says it is only the first step in controlling the influence of the communist state after Huawei said the move was “bad news” for anyone in the UK and threatened to “move Britain on the digital slow lane”. MP for Bournemouth East said China’s global infrastructure plan, known as the Belt and Road Initiative, allows Xi Jinping’s government to silently exert influence on countless countries around the world as he prepares for a World War II scenario.

Launched in 2013, Moscow has become one of the first partners of the initiative, which has engaged 138 countries and 30 international organizations to date, Putin himself declared last year that “the countries united within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union have long shared long-term strategic interests in peace and growth. ”

But Mr. Ellwood has strong reservations about the plan.

He told “The silence in Russia right now is an example of the reach of China.

“There are so many countries in debt to China, and China is trapping these countries in their One Belt, One Road project, often with financial packages that they simply cannot afford.

Vladimir Putin was one of the first supporters of the Chinese initiative

Vladimir Putin was one of the first supporters of the Chinese initiative (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson stood up to China this week

Boris Johnson stood up to China this week (Image: GETTY)

“These countries will never complain about China.

“Russia recognizes that it has now been replaced from a military point of view, it is not friendly with the West and therefore leans towards China, like Iran.

“You can see a bipolar world developing here, the Chinese do not intend to change their habits.”

Ellwood, who served in the Royal Green Jackets, called on international leadership to deliver better foreign policy.

He added, “We have to reconnect with the United States, free it up to play a bigger role on the international stage.

“We are currently in a pandemic, where is the international leadership? There are not any.

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Huawei sent a warning to the UK

Huawei sent a warning to the UK (Image: GETTY)

“There is a feeling of the thirties on our current situation. In the sense that we have countries that are pursuing a protectionist and isolationist approach – withdrawing from global exposure.

“We have a global recession on the horizon, a disruption of the international architecture like the United Nations to hold China to account.

“We are currently going through a very dangerous period.”

Ellwood says international agencies are losing their grip on China and need to be more careful.

He added: “The military is a tool to use, in the end, it is foreign policy that must change, it must be the attitude of how to apply trade rules.

“The WTO has no teeth, the United Nations – because of the veto – is also paralyzed, so there is a whole international architecture that needs to be updated.

“This will encourage countries to look west rather than east, because there will be an alternative.

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Donald Trump warned Boris Johnson of China

Donald Trump warned Boris Johnson of China (Image: GETTY)

Tobias Ellwood says China's influence is huge

Tobias Ellwood says China’s influence is huge (Image: GETTY)

“Who will build this new highway, this new station or this nuclear power plant? It is the Chinese who offer it at prices that no one can refuse.

“Then they realize they can’t afford it and get caught up in a debt trap.

“We have to provide an alternative.”

Speaking about the current situation, Ellwood said the time had come to act because China’s “veil” had been removed from view.

He continued, “The situation in Hong Kong is a vivid illustration of the aggressive, liberated approach that China is taking.

“I think the real change in China came during COVID-19 when the veil was removed and it revealed that this impression that China was going to be part of international western architecture, when in fact – everyone time – she pursued a very different agenda.

“President Xi got the job for life and because that facade has fallen, he doesn’t care what the rest of the world thinks about it.

Russia has been discreet about recent events

Russia has been discreet about recent events (Image: GETTY)

Ellwood said conventional war is not to be expected

Ellwood said conventional war is not to be expected (Image: GETTY)

“So they can charge in Hong Kong and change the rules knowing that the West is too weak, too diverse to resist.

“I fear that the next step in the progression will be in the South China Sea – which they now dominate – and the one that will follow will be Taiwan.”

Frighteningly, Ellwood predicted that failing to act now could lead to conflict.

He said, “We must recognize that we are in denial of China and its regime and what it wants to do.

“He has a very clear determination of where he wants to be in 10, 15 and 20 years and, for the moment, no one is there to prevent this from happening.

“There is a fundamental question about what the West is going to do, it requires international leadership, one country has to signal the obvious and the others say ‘I agree’ and this debate on Huawei has opened this opportunity.

“Now is the time to do it at a strategic level with our allies.

“I think there is real concern on their part that there will be the third world war.”

However, the Conservative member warned that the next great war will be unlike anything we have seen before.

He added, “We are heading for conflict, but not in the way that we think conventionally.

“It has happened to some extent, political competition, widespread cyber attacks on the UK – you can do a lot more economic harm by interfering with or stealing the data.

“We are losing our cell phones, for example, so that the city of London does not have electricity or touch financial services or our disrupted water systems, this is the type of war we are going to see.

“There may be proxy battles that are more conventional, but we will see satellite systems and the weaponization of space – this is where I think we will enter very difficult terrain.

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