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PM Modi interacts with Bill Gates

PM Modi interacts with Bill Gates


Prime Minister Narendra Modi today spoke with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, covering topics ranging from the G20 to India's artificial intelligence revolution. They spoke about digital evolution, with Gates appreciating India's progress in AI and technology.

Regarding the use of AI in various fields in India, Prime Minister Modi discussed the recent developments and future plans of the country.

Here are 10 important points discussed by them:

Prime Minister Modi mentioned India's focus on health and agriculture and said two million Ayushman Arogya Mandir health centers have been opened in villages. These centers use technology to connect people to the best hospitals and provide accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Prime Minister Modi spoke about how India aims to use technology for quality education to be delivered to students and include visuals and storytelling in the curriculum.

  • Democratization of technology:

    Prime Minister Modi stressed that he does not want the digital divide to happen in India and added that digital public infrastructure is a major requirement.

“I want three million women to earn one lakh rupees a year,” he said while adding, “I see the need to modernize agriculture and make it scientific.”

In this context, he highlighted the Drone Didi program enabling women to use drones in agriculture and the initiative to provide remote care to patients.

Prime Minister Modi said that with digital advancements, India will be the leader of the fourth industrial revolution.

AI is very important, PM Modi said, adding that during the G20 summit, they presented AI-based solutions for language interpretation to improve communication.

Prime Minister Modi recalled and explained to Gates how AI was used during his speech at Kashi Tamil Sangamam to translate his speech.

  • India's View on AI:

    “Calling AI as just a magic tool or relying on it out of laziness is not a good approach. We should use AI tools like ChatGPT to constantly improve,” PM Modi said.

    As Microsoft celebrates 25 years in India, Bill Gates said its plan is to become more creative and productive. “AI is a huge opportunity, but it comes with some challenges,” Gates said.

Discussing AI and its challenges, Prime Minister Modi said that if AI is used by someone who has not been properly trained, there is a significant risk of misuse.

He said: “I suggest we have clear watermarks on AI-generated content to avoid misinformation. »

  • Science funding:

    PM Modi said he wanted to allocate funds to scientists for local cervical cancer research to develop vaccines at minimal cost and his new government would work to ensure vaccination , especially for all girls.

– Technology during Covid:

He explained how India used the CoWin platform to provide vaccination slots and Covid vaccination certificates to people when many people around the world were struggling to do so during the pandemic.

  • Climate change:

    Speaking on the issue of climate change, Modi said the world needs to change parameters like the use of electricity or steel to define development as it is anti-climate, and it should instead adopt terminologies such as green GDP and green employment.

(Published March 29, 2024, 7:10 a.m. EAST)




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