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Trump's silent trial concludes first week as ex-president rants about presidential immunity: live updates

Trump's silent trial concludes first week as ex-president rants about presidential immunity: live updates


Trump appears in court for fourth day of secret trial

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With a jury now selected and opening statements looming Monday in his historic criminal trial, Donald Trump took to Truth Social this weekend to not only complain about the case, but also to return to the subject of presidential immunity.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Mr. Trump's immunity claims on April 25. The former president claims that without it, the country's commander-in-chief would not be able to function for fear of prosecution.

Meanwhile, in New York, the man who set himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse where Mr Trump's trial is taking place has died.

Maxwell Azzarello, 37, of Florida, who posted a conspiracy-laden manifesto online moments before the incident, was pronounced dead by hospital staff, police told NBC News.

After four days of jury selection, the final alternate jurors were chosen Friday from a group of Manhattan residents.

The 12 jurors and six alternates will hear evidence against the former president and ultimately decide his fate in his so-called hush money trial.

On Monday, Judge Juan Merchan will decide whether Mr. Trump's misconduct and past legal affairs can be included in the proceedings.

Key PointsShow Latest Update1713647606Stormy Daniels' disgraced former lawyer says he would now testify for Trump

I would be more than happy to testify, I don't know if I will be called to testify, but I have been in contact with Trump's defense for almost a year.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 10:13 p.m.

1713645000Who are the New Yorkers with Trump's fate in their hands?

A teacher, two lawyers and financial professionals are among 12 jurors assigned to hear the first-ever criminal trial against a president.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 9:30 p.m.

1713644435Trump's tirade on presidential immunity continues with threat to Biden

Donald Trump continued his Truth Social tirade about presidential immunity with an apparent threat to President Joe Biden that he will be prosecuted for his actual crimes if the former president wins the White House again.

Here is what Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social this afternoon (among many other articles on the same subject):

REMEMBER, if I don't have presidential immunity, then crooked Joe Biden doesn't have it either, and he would certainly be prosecuted for his many REAL CRIMES, including illegally receiving huge money from foreign countries, including China, Ukraine and Russia, paying outside Ukraine to fire a hostile prosecutor, allowing millions to illegally enter and destroy our country, going to Afghanistan, with hundreds dead, many Americans left behind, and handing over billions of dollars of the best military equipment from anywhere on Earth, the decimation of American wealth through the new green scam, and much more. REMEMBER, crooked Joe Biden and his CORRUPT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, DA and AG, have attacked his political opponent to a level never seen before in this country, and desperately want to PUT TRUMP IN JAIL. He is playing a very dangerous game, and the great American people will not stand for it. LET’S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

There is no evidence that Mr. Biden received money from foreign countries (see the disastrous Republican-led House impeachment inquiry) or that he paid Ukraine.

The allegations regarding the border and Afghanistan would presumably fall within existing presidential immunity and are not technically crimes (and the allegations here appear factually flawed).

There is no decimation of American wealth because of the new green scam, in fact the economy far exceeds that of any other developed country, unemployment is at record levels and the stock market is at record levels.

Finally, Joe Biden has no jurisdiction or influence over the criminal charges against Mr. Trump at the local or state level (Manhattan and Georgia).

At the federal level, the Department of Justice entrusted its two investigations (on the classified documents in Florida and on the events leading up to January 6 in Washington) to special prosecutor Jack Smith, with the sole aim of avoiding a conflict of interests and depoliticize the process.

Additionally, all four of Trump's criminal cases were evaluated by members of the public on their respective grand juries.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 9:20 p.m.

1713644103Marjorie Taylor Greene makes wild claims in Mike Johnson's speech as Ukraine aid bill passes House

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 9:15 p.m.

1713643503House passes potential TikTok ban

John Bowden reports from Washington, DC:

Congress took another step toward banning the popular video-sharing app TikTok on Saturday when the House made its second move, passing legislation aimed at addressing what lawmakers claim is a national security threat.

The House of Representatives voted 360-58 on a bill that included a provision that would force TikTok owner ByteDance to sell the company within a year or remove it from app stores in states -United. This would still allow users to access the app from other sources.

Chinese authorities are widely expected to block any attempt by ByteDance to sell the app.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 9:05 p.m.

1713643203The Senate will take procedural votes on foreign aid on Tuesday

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 9:00 p.m.

1713642723Watch: President Johnson asked why aid to Ukraine was delayed so long

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 8:52 p.m.

1713642300100,000 poll watchers and lawyers ready for Election Day, Trump campaign says

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced in a statement Friday that they will launch the largest and most monumental election integrity program in the nation's history.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 8:45 p.m.

1713642003Marjorie Taylor Greene angry with fellow lawmakers after House passes Ukraine aid bill

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 8:40 p.m.

1713640803Giuliani bankruptcy creditors issue subpoenas to try to establish whether Trump owes him money

Kelly Rissman reports for The Independent:

The Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Individuals and Entities, to which Mr. Giuliani owes served more than a dozen subpoenas Friday in an effort to recover his assets. Mr. Giuliani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after being hit with a massive $148 million verdict for defaming two election workers.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 20, 2024 8:20 p.m.




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