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Prime Minister Narendra Modi's polling grounds in Bihar: Barbs to Congress, RJD; insurance for Matuas, Rajbonshis

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's polling grounds in Bihar: Barbs to Congress, RJD;  insurance for Matuas, Rajbonshis


Kolkata | New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday slammed the Congress and the RJD during his visit to Jamui in Bihar over the issue of corruption and bad law and order. The RJD is once again trying to push the state towards the “lantern age”, he claimed. The BJP-led NDA is the ruling coalition in Bihar.

At another rally in West Bengal's Cooch Behar, the Prime Minister raised the issue of CAA and assured that the citizenship rights of Matuas and Rajbonshis would be protected under the NDA.

At Jamui, he said, “Whether it is the Congress or the RJD, they have insulted Bihar and the pride of the Bihari at every opportunity. They had insulted Karpoor Thakur. Some time ago our government gave Bharat Ratna. They opposed it. These two parties had also opposed Ramnath. Kovind as president. They had deployed all their forces to prevent a tribal woman, Droupadi Murmu, from becoming president. You must identify each of them and defeat them.
He alleged that RJD wanted to take Bihar back to the era of the lantern (the symbol of the RJD). “These parties would label others as corrupt and demand that they be sent to jail. Now, they are joining hands (as they fear Modi's return)… As the NDA plans to set up industries, one remembers of them for the removal. The NDA wants to install solar power plants and is talking about LED energy and on the other hand, the Ghamandiya coalition (INDIA grouping) wants to keep Bihar in the era of lanterns”, a- he declared.

Modi alleged that the RJD rule was identified with broken roads. He also criticized the party for the lack of safety for women. “Girls were kidnapped from the streets during their rule,” he said.

The Prime Minister also raised the issue of Ram temple, saying that even though the BJP fulfilled the aspirations of the people who were there for 500 years, these parties made a mockery of this issue. “Those who asked you to mortgage your land instead of jobs will never work for your well-being,” he said. At a BJP rally in Cooch Behar, the Prime Minister attacked the ruling Trinamool party as well as the Opposition Congress and Left parties for “spreading misinformation” among Matuas and Rajbonshis. He assured that the 'Modi ki guarantee' will ensure that the Center keeps its word. “Trinamool, Left and Congress, under the aegis of INDIA bloc, are engaged in politics of loot and lies. They did not care about Matuas and Rajbonshis. Now when the BJP government has brought the CAA, they are misleading and spreading false information about this. Those who trust Ma Bharti, giving them citizenship is Modi's guarantee. Trinamool, left will intimidate you… But you have seen my work over of the last 10 years and you can trust Modi's guarantee,” the Prime Minister said.

He said the INDIA bloc was an example of lies. “They are fighting here but eating together in Delhi and fighting here in Bengal,” Modi said.

The Prime Minister attacked the Trinamool Congress for alleged scams and said that in the next five years, stricter investigations would be carried out against corrupt persons (bhrashtacharis) in the country. “A strong message must be conveyed to Trinamool.”

“Despite record sums, projects in Bengal have not been completed due to Trinamool blockades.”




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