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Imran Khan smells a rat in PTI ranks

Imran Khan smells a rat in PTI ranks


The imprisoned former prime minister claims that some PTI members are in contact with his opponents and want to dismantle the party. n Says he showed restraint and did not denotify retired General Bajwa n Compares current political situation with East Pakistan n Gohar says Imran's plans to file complaint against NAB chief, witnesses .

ISLAMABAD/RAWALPINDI – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan on Saturday expressed his reservations over some members of his own party who he said wanted to dismantle the party.

As the rift deepens within the ranks of the PTI, its jailed leader and former Prime Minister Imran Khan claims that some of our aides are in contact with his opponent and that they wanted to dismantle the PTI party.

Imran revealed this on Saturday while speaking to reporters inside Adiala jail in Rawalpindi. Imran's revelation comes just a day after another PTI leader, Shehryar Afridi, made similar remarks without naming anyone.

Addressing a public rally in Kohat, Afridi said there were “hypocrites” who were still part of the party founded by Khan. Afridi went to say that there were “snakes” and “hypocrites” who were part of the PTI and anyone who betrayed the party would be excluded.

Talking about the “black sheep” in the ranks of the PTI party, Imran said these people were accusing Bushra Bibi, his wife, of being an American agent. Apparently extending an olive branch to his rivals, Khan said:

“If I can meet [former chief of army staff] General (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa twice after overthrowing my government, then I can meet anyone.” “At the moment, it is not my personal problem but that of Pakistan.” About General (retd) Bajwa, the PTI founder said that the former COAS stabbed him in the back. “I could have canceled the notice to Bajwa,” Imran Khan said, adding that he had shown restraint. He said, “Despite all this, we formed a committee to meet General (retd) Bajwa. »

The PTI chief felt that he never wanted a confrontation with the army. Replying to another question, he said General (retd) Bajwa and retired former spymaster Lt Gen Faiz Hamid told him about corruption of PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari , and the Sharif family. “If I leave politics today, everything will be fine,” he said.

Referring to allegations of fraud in the February 8 general elections, the jailed PTI founder said attempts were being made to control them by “reducing” their mandate. The former prime minister also praised the judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for raising their voice against the alleged interference of spy agencies in court cases.

Given the situation, Khan said: “Who will invest in a country where judges receive threats? » To another question, the PTI founder vowed to file a complaint against the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) chairman and an alleged approver, Inam Shah, for their role in the Toshakhana reference.

“Bushra Bibi was convicted for breaking me,” he said.


The former prime minister also said that the erosion of democratic mandate and control seen in the country today is similar to the situation seen in the erstwhile East Pakistan. He added that the credibility of national institutions was tarnished when they chose to align themselves with the “thieves”.

He claimed that the actual value of the jewelry set was Rs 18 million and not as claimed in the reference. Imran also claimed that when he was arrested, police officers seized his passport and check book from his room and alleged that it was an intelligence agency that roped in an employee of Toshakhana and Inam Shah as witnesses in the reference.

Citing the involvement of a part-time salesman in Dubai, Imran claimed that it was he who estimated the value of the Graff jewelry set that implicated him in the Toshakhana case. “Fawad Chaudhry held a press conference, but he was still forced to become a witness. If Parvez Elahi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi hold a press conference today, all their cases will disappear,” Imran asserted.

Imran also spoke about an alleged assassination plot against him at the court complex on March 18, saying the complex was overrun by numerous individuals in plain clothes 24 hours before his arrival. “Why are the video surveillance images of the judicial complex not broadcast?

“Mujeebur Rahman's majority would have ended Yahya Khan's rule,” he said, pointing out that the plan resulted in the “theft” of the country's mandate, drawing parallels with historical events in East Pakistan.

Imran referred to Mujib's electoral victory as documented in the Hamudur Rahman Commission report and alleged that there were currently ongoing attempts to steal the nation's democratic mandate.


PTI Chairman Gohar Ali Khan's lawyer on Saturday announced the party's founding chairman Imran Khan's plan to initiate legal action against the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) chairman and approvers for damages. He expressed skepticism over the government's claim that Bushra Bibi had not been poisoned, insisting on carrying out tests at Shaukat Khanum Hospital for confirmation. The PTI chairman echoed the sentiment of the party's founding president Imran Khan, comparing the current circumstances to those of 1971.

Expressing concern over recent electoral setbacks, he called for the PTI to be allowed to play a strong opposition role in assemblies. Mr. Gohar highlighted the party's demand to refrain from electing a Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the KP Assembly until the Senate elections are held. In addition, lawyer Ali Zafar was named candidate to head the opposition in the Senate, according to the PTI president's announcement. The opposition Center Party also named Senator Aon Abbas Bappi as its parliamentary leader in the House. Speaking to reporters outside Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, PTI Chairman Gohar Ali Khan also announced the two appointments following his meeting with jailed party founder Imran Khan. Former Prime Minister Khan gave his formal approval in this regard, he added.

The coveted post of Leader of Opposition in the Senate has been vacant since PTI Senator Dr Shahzad Waseem retired on March 11 after completing his six-year term.

Gohar said the PTI was discriminated against by postponing the Senate elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

“We demand that the election of the president and vice president be postponed for the time being until the senatorial elections in KP are held,” he said, adding that the province has no representation complete in the House.

The PTI leader pointed out that the party had already taken the stand that elections for the speaker and vice-speaker of any provincial legislature, the chief minister of any province and the prime minister should not be held until the collegium election is not complete due to the vacancy of seats reserved for non-residents. -Muslims and minorities in parliament. At that time, it was said that elections could be held and the party's position was rejected, he also said.

He said the PTI would raise the issue in the next Senate session on a point of order.

The new Senate session is likely to be convened next week for the swearing-in of senators-elect and the election of two coveted House positions. The ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP) has nominated former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani as its candidate for Senate Chairmanship. The post of Deputy Senate President will go to the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), under a power-sharing formula to run the central government.

On April 2 – the day of the Senate election, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had postponed the upper house election on 11 KP seats following a controversy arising from the non-taking of oath of office. members elected on reserved seats in Parliament. provincial assembly.

Currently, the upper house has 96 members and 85 senators, with the remaining seats vacant. Legal experts say there is no legal barrier to holding elections for two Senate positions, but it would be inappropriate to do so when the House is not complete.

After the senatorial elections in KP, PTI is set to become the largest party in the House with around 27 senators.




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