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10 Best Bollywood Actors of the 90s Who Shaped the Golden Age of Showbiz

10 Best Bollywood Actors of the 90s Who Shaped the Golden Age of Showbiz


Bollywood actors of the 90s have carved a niche for themselves in the industry, and it's safe to say that they enjoy an undisputed fan base. Names like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan shine brightly, embodying the essence of this era. Their charisma not only lit up the big screen but also captivated our emotions.

With their magnetic presence and memorable performances, they became more than just stars; they have become cherished icons in the hearts of audiences around the world. Their films are timeless treasures, which continue to enchant new generations with their timeless charm and enduring appeal.

So, today we bring you a list of some of the best Bollywood actors of the 90s who are still going strong in the entertainment industry and making us fall in love with them again and again.

10 Best Bollywood Actors of the 90s Who Are Still Going Strong in Showbiz

Shah Rukh Khan

They call him the King of Bollywood for a good reason. Shah Rukh Khan's star power has been present in the industry for years. With tons of hit movies, fans love him for his charisma, style, romance, dancing and so on. The actor has made some of the best romantic films to date and is also a multi-faceted star. Some of his best films include Baazigar, Don, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and many more.

Salman Khan

Salman Khan is a true Bollywood legend! Fans call him “Bhaijaan” because of his super cool and down-to-earth personality. He has starred in tons of hit movies, making him a huge star. But beyond acting, he is also known for his big heart and all the charitable work he does. From his days as a sweet boy to a tough time, the actor has achieved it all. Some of his best films are Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Mujhse Shaadi Karogi and many others.

Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan is one of the best Bollywood actors of the 90s; fans call him 'Mr. A perfectionist because he puts a lot of thought and detail into everything he does in a film. It's not just about action and thrills: his films often also contain important messages and they are always very well done. He is a true pioneer of Bollywood and has delivered some hits like Andaaz Apna Apna, Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar and many more.

Sunny Deol

Sunny Deol, known for his intense screen presence and powerful dialogues, is an iconic figure in Indian cinema. With his signature style and action-packed roles, he left an indelible mark on the audience. His portrayal of rugged heroes and patriotic characters has earned him widespread admiration and a loyal fan base.

Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar, known as the 'Khiladi' of Bollywood, is known for his versatility and dedication to his craft. With a career spanning action, comedy and socially relevant films, he consistently achieves box office hits. Beyond his acting role, his philanthropy and fitness advocacy have further strengthened his widespread appeal, making him a beloved icon of Indian cinema.

Ajay Devgn

Versatile Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn is celebrated for his intense performances and understated charisma. With a career spanning various genres from action to drama, he dominates the screen with his powerful presence. His portrayal of rugged, no-nonsense characters has earned him rave reviews and a devoted fan base. Some of his best films include Ishq, Drishyam, Golmaal and many more.


Govinda, a legendary figure in Indian cinema, is known for his unparalleled talent for comedy and energetic dance moves. With a career spanning decades, he has entertained audiences with his infectious charm and versatility in roles. His unique style and comic timing have made him a Bollywood icon.

With films like Coolie No.1, Hero No.1 and many more, the actor has become a number one star himself.

Suniel Shetty

Suniel Shetty, a versatile Bollywood actor, is admired for his rugged personality and strong screen presence. With a career that includes action-packed roles and nuanced character portrayals, he has demonstrated his versatility. His contributions to Indian cinema extend beyond acting, with ventures into entrepreneurship and fitness, cementing his status as a respected figure in the industry.

Anil Kapoor

Anil Kapoor, a stalwart of Indian cinema, is known for his enduring charisma and versatile performances. With a career spanning decades, he has played a wide range of characters with depth and conviction.

Throughout his journey, he played his characters with remarkable depth and conviction. Kapoor's dedication to his craft is undeniable, as evidenced by his boundless energy and unwavering passion for acting. This continues to result in captivating performances that resonate with audiences around the world.

Jackie Shroff

Jackie Shroff, affectionately known as the 'Bhidu' of Bollywood, is famous for his rugged charm and unique style. Whatever the role, Jackie brings it to life with her signature style and intensity. He's one of those actors you can't take your eyes off, and after all these years, his films are still must-sees. No wonder he has such a fan base: Jackie Shroff is the real deal!

Bollywood actors of the 90s weren't just delivering hits; they made us laugh, cry and applaud. Their star power is undeniable, but it's their talent that has truly captured our hearts. Even today, their films hold a special place in our streaming queues.

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