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Stephen King's Donald Trump Remark Takes the Internet by Storm

Stephen King's Donald Trump Remark Takes the Internet by Storm


Over the years, Stephen King has proven that he won't stay silent when it comes to sharing his political views and now, a comment he made about Donald Trump has gone viral online.

Trump is scheduled to go on trial Monday after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted him last year on 34 counts of falsifying business records relating to alleged hush money payments to the movie actor for adults Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

His office accused Trump of paying Daniels to prevent him from making public comments about his allegations of an affair with the former president, which he denied.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has pleaded not guilty to all charges and accused Bragg of targeting him for political purposes. Trump has sought to delay the case, but his efforts have so far failed. On Tuesday, a judge rejected Trump's attempt to delay his upcoming trial, and on Monday, another attempt to delay the case was rejected by Judge Lizbeth Gonzalez.

King isn't usually shy about sharing his thoughts online and has now weighed in on those decisions on X, formerly Twitter.

Author Stephen King on September 26, 2017 in New York and former President Donald Trump on April 2, 2024 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. King shared another online article about Trump that… Author Stephen King on September 26, 2017 in New York and former President Donald Trump on April 2, 2024 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. King shared another online article about Trump that went viral. More from Astrid Stawiarz/Scott Olson/Getty Images

“Donald Trump is discovering that although the wheels of justice turn slowly, they also work extremely well. Do the crime, do the time,” he said on the social media platform.

At the time of writing, it had been viewed 829,000 times and received over 4,000 comments.

Newsweek emailed spokespeople for King and Trump for comment on Wednesday.

The author's critically acclaimed posts are often divisive, and social media users have responded to the author to express their disagreement.

Donald Trump is discovering that although the wheels of justice turn slowly, they also work extremely well. Do the crime, do the time.

– Stephen King (@StephenKing) April 8, 2024

“Your whole life is obsessed with Trump 24/7. You own him,” one person commented.

“All these cases are nonsense. They helped him get stronger. Go ahead,” said another.

A third commenter added: “Only a bloody crazy liberal would think this is justice!” Most Americans see things as they are! A corrupt government interfering in an election, target, prosecute and punish is their modus operandi”

Other X users, however, supported King's statement.

“The biggest shock is how many votes he will lose in November. Justice always finds its way one way or another. Get out and vote in November,” someone else wrote.

“Yeah. Good observation. Most Americans feel like justice prevails these days. Perfect,” said another.

Learn more about Stephen King

This isn't the first time King has posted about Trump on social media, as it appears the author enjoys criticizing the former president.

He had previously turned the ridicule of Joe Biden on Fox News towards Trump. The horror author watched the network's The Five in March, in which one of the hosts referred to Biden as “Old Yeller.” They then explained that the president's reelection team would spend $30 million on ad buys as he quickly launches into the U.S. general election campaign.

The hosts also used the segment to criticize verbal gaffes by Biden, 81, during his public appearances, which is a sticking point for Republican voters.

However, King took issue with the media coverage. “The Five on Fox News calls Biden Old Yeller. Good nickname, bad candidate. Trump is the one who thinks he's running against Obama,” he posted on X.

King's message refers to the fact that Trump, 77, repeatedly referred to former President Barack Obama as the current US president during his election campaign. However, Trump insists that calling Biden “Obama” is not a mistake at all. In a post he shared on Truth Social in November 2023, the former president said he was doing it “sarcastically” because he thought Obama was running things from behind the scenes.

King has previously said he joined the Democratic Party in 1970 and was an outspoken critic of the former president even before Trump's 2016 election.

On May 24, 2016, King was one of 450 writers to sign an open letter opposing Trump's candidacy, with the author supporting Hillary Clinton's campaign.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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