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Reviews | America's unhealthy obsession with China will ruin itself and the world

Reviews |  America's unhealthy obsession with China will ruin itself and the world


Obviously, despite the San Francisco Summit, relations between the United States and China have not yet thawed. Marked by deep distrust, the relationship continues to be defined by competition rather than cooperation.
Meanwhile, the crises in Ukraine and Gaza persist with no foreseeable solution. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky contacted President Xi about a project peace summitas Arab world leaders open to Beijing's help in brokering deal two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. China has declared its determination to leverage its influence to facilitate a resolution of the two crises.
Unfortunately, Washington still views China as a threat to its global dominance. During his call, Biden warned Xi against escalating tensions across the world. Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Separately, several Republicans have called for the United States to withdraw from the war in Ukraine in order to reallocate its military resources to combating alleged growing threats from China.

Therein lies the paradox facing China as it considers playing a mediating role. Why would Beijing play a role as mediator for peace in Europe and the Middle East when doing so would allow the United States to pivot to the Asia-Pacific to oppose China?

At the San Francisco summit last year, Xi and Biden made an agreement in which Beijing agreed to limit exports of fentanyl precursor chemicals, and Biden reciprocated by easing some of its sanctions. The transaction underscores Xi's insistence on a fundamental principle of cooperation: the expectation of quid pro quo.

Like any other party, Beijing hopes for reciprocity for its aid. Therefore, if the United States seeks collaboration with China to resolve the crises in Ukraine and Gaza, it must reciprocate by mitigating the risk of open conflict in the Asia-Pacific region.

However, despite Xi's commitment, experts doubt that restrictions on precursor exports alone will effectively curb the Opioid epidemic in the United States. This skepticism stems from the recognition that multiple factors fuel drug addiction in the United States, including inadequate regulation and weak oversight leading to overprescribing, aggressive marketing strategies by pharmaceutical companies, and socioeconomic distress. .

11:28 a.m.

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The opioid crisis is a symptom of a sick, fear-ridden America. The deeply divided nation is grappling with crises rooted in racial, religious and socioeconomic disparities. Adding to these complexities is the fear that adversaries like China could take advantage of these vulnerabilities.

Indeed, mired in a bitter rivalry, the United States and China find themselves trapped in a cycle of distrust, where the actions of one often reinforce the suspicions of the other. In the United States, this growing distrust has fueled apprehensions about China's allegedly growing domestic security threats.


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Spotlight on the potential of TikTok impact on the 2024 US presidential election also distracts from more critical issues plaguing America's increasingly fragile democracy.
The reality is that America is deeply polarized and elections are unlikely to repair its fractured social fabric. If Donald Trump were to win the November presidential election, he sworn in retaliation for his enemies. If he faces defeat, the possibility of another uprising similar to that of January 6 riot at the Capitol cannot be ruled out.

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Focusing solely on external threats will not solve the deep problems that trouble America. The origin of these problems is intrinsic to the United States and requires internal solutions, requiring a critical process of self-reflection and self-correction.

On the world stage, the era of American unipolarity as the sole superpower has finished. China is playing an increasingly influential role in reshaping the global order into one that is more inclusive and multipolar. However, the United States continues to view China as a challenge to the universal principle of rights and freedoms. This fixation on the Chinese threat distracts from real and present dangers to world peace, notably the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, which risk escalating into broader regional conflicts.

Distrust between the United States and China ultimately has far-reaching consequences for humanity, undermining our collective ability to effectively respond to the urgent challenges posed by climate change and the potential risks associated with AI.

The United States urgently needs to adopt a more balanced assessment of China. Failure to do so risks complicating efforts to resolve domestic challenges in the Americas, disrupting the reconfiguration of the global order, and leaving us vulnerable to global crises that could harm the fate of humanity.

Peter TC Chang is a research associate at the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




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