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Observers say it will be difficult for PDIP to match Bobby Nasution in 2024 North Sumatra regional elections

Observers say it will be difficult for PDIP to match Bobby Nasution in 2024 North Sumatra regional elections


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Political observer from the University of North Sumatra (USU), Indra Fauzan, believes that PDI Perjuangan has difficulty following the figure of the mayor of Medan. Bobby Nasution in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). “If it closes from Bobby, PDIP must have internal cadres who can match Bobby Nasution's figure,” said Indra, Sunday, April 14, 2024.

Indra claims that the achievements of Bobby Nasution and Aulia Rachman, who were appointed as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan on February 26, 2021, are very encouraging. In 2023, according to him, Bobby will be able to reduce the poverty rate in Medan City by around 0.07 percent to eight percent compared to 2022.

Apart from this, it reduced the open unemployment rate (TPT) in the provincial capital of North Sumatra by around 0.22 percent to 8.67 percent, compared to 8.89 percent in 2022.

“Bobby Nasution also won the Adipura Cup 2023 in the field of urban cleanliness and environmental management in the Metropolitan City category, after 12 years of waiting from the Ministry of Environment and Forests,” a- he declared.

According to him, the effects of the presidential election were a hard blow for the PDIP. “Everything related to the Jokowi family is a common enemy,” said Indra.

Indra also said that the North Sumatra regional elections and Medan regional elections, the party with the white-nosed bull symbol, often struggled to win. As in the 2018 regional elections in North Sumatra, PDIP won the Djarot Saiful Hidayat-Sihar Sitorus couple who failed against the Edy Rahmayadi-Musa Rajekshah couple.

According to him, the figure of Bobby Nasution cannot be forgotten by the PDIP because it brought victory to the PDI Perjuangan in the 2020 Medan regional elections.

“Based on current political behavior, it is certain that Bobby will be PDIP's opponent in the 2024 North Sumatra regional elections. I think the political dynamics will be more interesting,” Indra said.


Previously, PDI Perjuangan Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said that there was registration in the North Sumatra region for the simultaneous regional elections (Pilkada) in 2024.

“There are already registrations in the North Sumatra regions,” said Hasto in Jakarta, Friday, April 12, 2024.

He said he received a report that everyone was welcome to register. Nevertheless, there is a proposal from below to exclude Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution.

Apart from this, Hasto also received a report from the Chairman of the Surakarta City DPC PDI Perjuangan, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, who also opened the registration process.

“But while the registration process is underway, the elements that constitute the biggest criticism of the implementation of the 2024 elections must first be addressed. Otherwise, the elections are useless,” he said. -he explained.

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