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Trump will make history as the first US president to face criminal trial

Trump will make history as the first US president to face criminal trial


It's a day former President Trump hoped would never come.

After a relentless pursuit of delays, Trump will make history Monday morning by taking a seat at the defense table in a Manhattan courtroom, where the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president will begin.

Four days a week, for six weeks or more, the presumptive Republican nominee will sit in a dark room about the size of a basketball court, face to face with 12 New Yorkers who will decide whether to make Trump a convicted felon before he left office. voters in November.

The start of jury selection marks a monumental moment in Trump's intertwined political and legal campaigns, where the former president's criminal cases have become an inherent component of his third attempt at the White House.

But among Trump's four criminal indictments, it was the hush money case that took precedence over the case in which legal observers agree he faces the most serious charges. less serious. It remains unclear whether any of the former president's other indictments will go to a jury this year.

Trump constantly denounces his legal troubles, accusing everyone from judges to prosecutors to President Biden himself of targeting him politically to prevent him from running for office again. None of the accusations have been proven true, but that hasn't stopped Trump from ranting incessantly at every turn, even as silence orders weigh on him.

“They are weaponizing the government and suing me for bullshit,” Trump said in a video posted to Truth Social last week.

Trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with his reimbursements to his then-fixer, Michael Cohen, for paying porn actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 in October 2016 to stay silent about an alleged sexual relationship with Trump.

Trump, who denies the affair, has pleaded not guilty.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) will try to expand the story beyond hush money and frame it as election interference, claiming Trump engaged in a criminal scheme to hiding harmful information from voters during his 2016 campaign and just before his victory in November. year.

To prove it, Bragg would have to call on key members of Trump's orbit at the time, including White House aides, Trump Organization employees and campaign staffers.

Trump will sit a few feet away while they each speak. The former president is expected to attend the trial, which will be held every day of the week except Wednesday. It is expected to last six weeks, but could just as easily extend into June, bringing the epicenter of his presidential campaign back to a courtroom.

There are accusations here that are damaging to Trump and his campaign rhetoric,” said Jessica Levinson, a law professor at Loyola Marymount University. We're going to learn more about Michael Cohen. We're going to find out more about Stormy Daniels. We're going to hear about alleged affairs.

Trump doesn't want to talk about any of that, she said.

No cameras will document the proceedings as they unfold, except for a small group of photographers allowed to quickly snap a few shots each morning after Trump enters.

As he has done countless times before, Trump risks turning the tables.

Every time he enters or exits through the two doors at the back of the courtroom, he will be able to speak to the cameras placed in the hallway, as he did during his civil fraud trial at the end of the last year, which served as a training session for him to understand how his criminal trial will take place.

Surrounded by his entourage of lawyers, aides and members of the Secret Service, Trump repeatedly made spontaneous remarks to the group of journalists camped outside the courtroom of the fraud trial, where he denounced the case by the New York attorney general and the judge who oversaw it. He also turned his campaign into a way to raise money for the case, sometimes sending perfectly timed emails seeking contributions right at the start of the hearing.

Trump, at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, said he would fight for the freedom of 325 million Americans in his upcoming trial.

I am proud to do this for you. Have a good time watching, he told the crowd.

But Trump faces greater speech restrictions in his hush money case, limiting his statements about jurors, witnesses and judges' families, among others, placing his words under greater scrutiny.

I think the prosecutor is still going to monitor everything he says during the lunch break and at the end of the day, just to see how close he is to the line of violating this silence order, said Catherine Christian , a former special assistant from Manhattan. attorney now in private practice.

In the courtroom, Trump is also known to put on a show.

Even though there are no cameras, Trump is aware that he still has an audience in his densely packed courtrooms watching his every move. It mainly includes journalists and law clerks, but sometimes also the family of presiding judges, other sitting judges and members of the public.

Spectators in the silent courtroom during recent pretrial hearings applauded Trump and even winked. The former president enters and exits the room through the gallery in the central aisle, passing a few meters from Bragg, the prosecutor, on the way.

At the lawyers' table, Trump tends to intervene in his legal teams' strategy in real time, often passing notes, whispering, and even ordering his lawyers to object more forcefully.

But he was also chastised by judges for lashing out, vocally expressing his frustrations, as he did during the civil libel trial involving columnist E. Jean Carroll, which also took place in New York. Judges threatened to kick him out of the courtroom, but other times he left on his own, storming out in the middle of the proceedings.

Unlike his recent civil trials, Trump is legally required to attend the upcoming trial, which makes things very different.

He can't do what he did there, Christian said. It is not possible to get up and go out.

Judge Juan Merchan, who will oversee the secret trial, also has less latitude than previous judges to remove Trump from the courtroom. The judge can only do this if he warns Trump and he continues to act in a disorderly and disruptive manner.

When it comes to testifying, it's unclear whether Trump will take the stand in the financial silence case, but several other high-profile witnesses are expected to testify.

Daniels, the porn actress with whom Trump allegedly had an affair, as well as two others whose stories were canceled are expected to testify. Top campaign and business aides, including 2016 campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks and former Trump Organization comptroller Jeffrey McConney, could speak. And the media executives who helped make the “catch and kill” project possible should also witness it.

Trump will also come face to face with Cohen, his fixer-turned-enemy.

Although a conviction could have devastating consequences for the former president, an acquittal or mistrial could strengthen the argument at the heart of his campaign that his criminal accusations are baseless and evidence of a hunt for political witches against him.

If the prosecution fails in the first case, people may say, “Well, all these cases must be baseless,” Levinson said. And that's why I think those who want Trump to be held accountable for many of his actions are worried that that will be the case in the future.

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