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In Argentina they discuss the Spanish edition of Xi Jinping: The Governance and Administration of China

In Argentina they discuss the Spanish edition of Xi Jinping: The Governance and Administration of China


Buenos Aires, April 16 (Xinhua) — Scholars and diplomats discussed on Monday in the city of Buenos Aires the wealth and importance for global and bilateral relations of the fourth volume of the Spanish edition of the work Xi Jinping: The Governance and Administration of China.

The activity, held at a hotel in the center of the Argentine capital, served as a bridge to deepen the friendship between China and Argentina, while promoting greater mutual knowledge to strengthen common trust and development.

Chinese Ambassador to Argentina Wang Wei pointed out in his speech that the book systematically explains and highlights the Chinese president's strategies for governing and administering the country in the new era.

Readers will get information and ideas on how a people-centered ruling party can lead a country's development and follow China's path of modernization, the diplomat said.

Wang stressed that President Xi advocates building a community with a shared future for mankind, also proposes international cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and launched global development initiatives, of global civilization and global security.

In this way, explained the Chinese ambassador, the objective is to inject greater stability into this world full of uncertainties. Peace, development and shared cooperation must be the key words in the search for greater stability.

The book is an authoritative work that comprehensively and systematically reflects the new horizon opened and the latest developments made by Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, according to a statement released by the Language Publishing House foreigners from China. on the occasion of the publication of the fourth volume in Spanish and other languages.

For his part, the former Ambassador of Argentina to China Sabino Vaca Narvaja (2021-2023), highlighted in his speech that the activity of this Monday was very important for mutual understanding, which nourishes the relationship between our countries.

He highlighted the importance of publishing books in Spanish and joint works of thinkers from both countries to strengthen bilateral relations.

Former Argentinian Ambassador to China Diego Guelar (2015-2019), for his part, called for combating prejudice and ignorance for the development of the bilateral relationship, for which he highlighted the value of work aimed at promote greater and better global understanding.

I have read the book and its concepts are very important, such as socialism with Chinese characteristics, the diplomat said in a dialogue with Xinhua.

For his part, Vice President of China International Communications Group, Yu Tao, said that the Spanish edition of “Xi Jinping: The Governance and Administration of China” is already 10 years old and has been widely welcomed by the Argentinian community. . We learned that in recent years, China's modernization has become an issue attracting considerable attention from the international community.

The book “Xi Jinping: The Governance and Administration of China” systematically presents the practical path of modernization explored by the people of this country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, thereby providing the international community with an authoritative reference for understanding China. and its modernization, Yu added.

Furthermore, Patricio Conejero Ortiz, secretary of International Relations of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and director of the UBA Confucius Institute, said that the work is important for us in the academic field, in the field scientific discussions in universities, which has to do with the ever greater expansion of possible forms of development.

The book offers a concrete historical and situated experience, which is that of the People's Republic of China at that time. Of course, each country and each people have their recipes for development, and what we must obtain from here is a way to diversify our discussions, to enrich them and to consider in the possible forms of our development very important concepts and notions that turn the book upside down, said the interviewee.




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