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Lok Sabha Elections 2024 | All eyes on EC following PM Modi's 'hate speech'; Congress demands disqualification of these candidates

Lok Sabha Elections 2024 |  All eyes on EC following PM Modi's 'hate speech';  Congress demands disqualification of these candidates


New Delhi: All eyes are on the Election Commission following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's hate speech during an election rally with the Congress on Monday, demanding that candidates who create division among the people be disqualified as candidates .

Parties like the CPI(M) and CPI(ML)L also joined in demanding action, including a ban on campaigning, against him, although the EC refused to say whether it had taken knowledge of the remarks and complaints and what action it proposes. take.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge demanded to meet Modi to hand over a copy of his party's manifesto, with the prime minister referring to the document to level allegations against him. Several concerned citizens also approached the electoral body against the community remarks.

Insisting that Modi's remarks came amid unenthusiastic reports from the first phase of polling, the Congress said its candidates and workers would send copies of their party's manifesto to Prime Minister Modi. A number of concerned citizens have also emailed the EC following appeals on social media.

A letter initiated by 'Samvidhan Bacchao Nagrik Abhiyan' seeking action against Modi attracted 17,421 signatures and the organizers said they had sent the letter to the Election Commission.

Targeting the Congress and its manifesto, Modi asserted in Rajasthan's Banswara on Sunday that the opposition party would redistribute the people's wealth to infiltrators, those with more children and Muslims. Kharge had retorted that Modi was now resorting to lies and hate speeches to distract people from the real issues.

A Congress delegation met the Election Commission and handed over a memorandum listing a series of alleged violations of the election code by Modi, saying he was not a candidate who would be silenced by mere censorship.

He said Modi had made false and controversial insinuations, targeting a particular religious community and a clear provocation of the general public to act and break the peace, potentially against such religious community, accusing the Congress of supporting terrorists and terrorism and making a desperate attempt. to falsely tarnish the sacrifices and legacy of this 140-year-old man in the name of petty political gains.

The only remedy available, consistent with the principle of zero tolerance towards allegations of corrupt practices, is the disqualification of candidates who attempt to create a divide between different classes of Indian citizens, irrespective of stature or position. of this candidate, he declared. . Modi is yet to file his nomination papers.

CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury also wrote to Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar saying it was as brazen as possible to indulge in hate speech directed against a community, while reminding the EC that there are previous precedents for banning leaders for such hate speech. .

Demanding immediate initiation of action against Modi and the BJP, he also said an FIR should be filed against him for inciting communal passions and hatred. Immediate action is needed to prevent public debate and discussion from collapsing further, and any failure by the electoral body would further undermine its credibility.

CPI(ML)L general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya said he had written to the EC seeking action against “incitement to rabid hatred and blatant violation” of the model code of conduct and provisions of the Representation of the People Act.

In Kochi, Congress (Organization) general secretary KC Venugopal asked what action the EC was taking as the Prime Minister delivered the worst hate speech in the history of hate speeches.

Senior Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal asked: What kind of culture is this? You talk about Ram Mandir, inaugurate the temple, talk about the ideals of Ram and on the other hand you spread hatred. Where is 'sabka saath, sabka vikaas, sabka vishvaas'. You cannot maintain India by being the bridegroom of hatred.

(Published April 22, 2024, 1:49 p.m. EAST)




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