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Imran Khan did not receive govt's dialogue message: PTI chairman

Imran Khan did not receive govt's dialogue message: PTI chairman


PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan addresses the press conference outside Adiala Prison in Rawalpindi on April 23, 2024 in this still from video. Geo News

Responding to Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) stalwart Rana Sanaullah's statement on 'reconciliation', Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan has rejected any formal invitation from the government in place to negotiations.

Jailed PTI founder Imran Khan confirmed that he did not receive any message for the dialogues, lawyer Gohar said while speaking to reporters outside the PTI jail today Rawalpindis Adiala. We will confirm publicly if we receive an invitation for discussions.

The politician categorically rejected any dialogue with the ruling government and said his party would not hold secret negotiations.

Regarding the hearing of the figure case against the former prime minister at Rawalpindi jail, Gohar said the prosecutor presented 21 witnesses who recorded their testimonies today. He complained that Khan's lawyers were not given a chance to present evidence during the 2 p.m. hearing.

On the case against Khan's wife, Bushra Bibi, Gohar said the former first lady had no connection with the Toshakhana case, but cases were filed against her to put pressure on the founder of the PTI.

Raising questions over the legitimacy of Sunday's by-elections, Gohar said the PTI founder had also expressed concerns over the recent elections in 21 national and provincial constituencies.

He alleged that the ballot boxes were already filled before the voting process and the results of the Punjab seats were planned in advance. He also alleged that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had neither provided a level playing field to the former ruling party nor removed returning officers (ROs) from the judiciary.

Barrister Gohar said that once again the ECP had failed to hold fair and free elections. He announced that his party would hold peaceful protests on Friday against the rigging of the by-elections.

He also asked the Supreme Court (SC) to hear the PTI's petitions regarding the issue of Form 45. He added that his party was neither resisting nor rejecting reconciliation, but was fighting for its rights.

Yesterday, senior PML-N leader Sanaullah presented a reconciliation offer to incarcerated PTI founder Khan and said that together they could bring the country out of the crisis.

His remarks come as the cash-strapped country simultaneously faces multiple challenges, including economic and political crises and a sharp rise in terrorism.

Speaking on Geo News show, Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath, he urged the PTI founder to come to the table as the country's fragile economy could not bear the escalating political tensions and politics of protests and agitation.

He asked Khan to take the matter to a logical conclusion. The former interior minister said the PTI founder was not even ready to sit down or talk with anyone.

Sanaullah made the call for dialogue after his party won at least two of five seats in the National Assembly, and also won 10 of 16 seats in provincial legislatures, according to unofficial and inconclusive results.

Meanwhile, Pakistan People's Party (PPP), PTI-backed Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid Party Istehkam-e-Pakistan won one seat each in provincial assemblies .




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