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Reviews | Mutual needs should halt deterioration in US-China relations for now

Reviews |  Mutual needs should halt deterioration in US-China relations for now


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to China, including a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is a continuation of high-level contacts between Beijing and Washington re-established after last November's summit between Xi and the US President Joe Biden.

Xi noted some progress in bilateral relations during his talks with Blinken, according to the Chinese side, but called on the United States not to say one thing and do another, and to keep its promises.

Blinken has raised concerns about China's supply to Russia of goods that could have military uses and alleged manufacturing overcapacity, which has been blamed for disrupting foreign markets.

Once again, in the absence of progress on the most difficult issues, one of the most important outcomes was agreement to continue the high-level dialogue, including discussions over the coming weeks on artificial intelligence (AI).

That said, the main objective of Blinkens' trip was not economic but geopolitical to pressure China on the Russian issue.

US can't say one thing and do another, Chinese leader tells Blinken

Washington accuses Beijing of supporting the Russian military-industrial complex and contributing to its war against Ukraine. The United States and its allies want to avoid further deterioration of Ukraine's military position before more U.S. military aid makes a difference.

It is also partly a tactic to drive a wedge between China and Europe, where there is deep concern over the Ukraine conflict. Blinken has repeatedly stressed the importance of European security. This is a calculated approach.

Xi will soon visit Europe and Washington wants to highlight the Ukrainian issue. It also targets Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China next month, his first to a foreign country since the start of his last term. China will need to strike a balance, which will test Xi's diplomatic skills.

The tone of the Chinese account of Blinkens' meetings with Xi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi was largely conciliatory, with no direct mention of Ukraine.

A statement emphasizes that China is not interested in forming alliances, ruling out any direct involvement in the war and any direct support for Moscow.

But given that Russia is an important strategic partner and market for Chinese electronics and automotive products, thanks to Western sanctions, it will be impossible for Beijing to stop this trade.

China under scrutiny over Ukraine as Xi prepares for Europe tour and Putin visit

Blinken knows this. The real intention is to create trouble in Beijing before Xi's visit. China has instead focused on bilateral issues such as AI governance, narcotics control and people exchanges.

Climate is also a major area of ​​bilateral cooperation with the new Chinese envoy visiting America soon. Xi reiterated that China does not seek to challenge the United States, but also wants Washington to respect its core interests.

The United States also needs China's help on a wide range of issues, including Iran's role in the Middle East conflict. The overall relationship should therefore remain stable, even if controversial.




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