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According to Israel, Trkiye's goodwill is misunderstood and President Erdogan cancels his visit plan

According to Israel, Trkiye's goodwill is misunderstood and President Erdogan cancels his visit plan


JAKARTA – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on all parties to the conflict in Gaza to stop attacks and show restraint, calling the Palestinian militant group Hamas non-terrorist, saying Israel was abusing the goodwill of Turkey.

“Israeli missile attacks and missile attacks against Israel must stop,” he told a meeting of his party's parliamentary group, calling for urgent delivery of humanitarian aid to the territories Palestinians,” Daily Sabah reported on October 25.

President Erdogan stressed that both sides and the international community must learn lessons from the failure of previous peace negotiations.

“We see the Palestinian problem from a humanitarian angle. We are doing everything to put an end to the crisis which has worsened since October 7,” declared President Erdogan.

“We have a principled position. We say openly that we can tolerate (acts of violence) against Israeli civilians. We have no problem with the State of Israel, but we have never tolerated Israeli atrocities that are more suitable for an organization than an organization Since October 7, “Israel has carried out its bloodiest and most disgusting attack against innocent people in Gaza,” he explained.

On the same occasion, President Erdogan recalled his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN summit in New York, United States, last month, making it one of the moments to normalize Turkey's relations with Israel, which led President Erdogan to visit Israel. further thaw relations between the two countries.

“I only shook his hand once. I had good intentions. If they continued with good intentions, our relationship would be better, but unfortunately, they abused our good intentions,” he said. -he declares.

Also on this occasion, President Erdogan described Hamas as a fighter for the liberation of its territory, rather than a terrorist group.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization. It is a liberation group, a group of mujahideen who fight to defend their land and their people,” greeted President Erdogan.

President Erdogan also said that almost half of the victims killed by Israeli attacks were women and children.

“This is enough to show that Israel did not act in self-defense but committed acts of barbarity which constitute crimes against humanity. There is no other country or army in the world that bombs cities, hospitals, places of worship, schools and markets day and night with fighter jets just to kill children,” he explained.

He added that Turkey is ready to act as guarantor for Palestine and organize an international peace conference between Palestine and Israel.

“We propose to hold an international peace conference between Palestine and Israel involving all influential actors in the region,” he said.

“It must be an event aimed at achieving what his predecessors, whether in Madrid or Oslo, failed to achieve,” President Erdogan stressed.

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