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Imran Khan's adviser launches legal action against Pakistani government over UK acid attack

Imran Khan's adviser launches legal action against Pakistani government over UK acid attack


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A senior adviser to former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has launched legal action against his government, claiming his feared intelligence agency, the ISI, was behind an acid attack on him in his home in Hertfordshire.

Shahzad Akbar, who sought refuge in Britain after leading Pakistan's efforts to fight corruption before Mr Khan was ousted from power two years ago, was lucky not to lose his sight during of the attack, which took place in front of his daughter, then aged 4. on November 26 last year.

He was only saved by his glasses, which were badly damaged by the corrosive chemical thrown from a plastic bottle at Mr Akbar's home when he opened his front door in Royston to a man wearing a helmet motorcycle with its visor down.

The attack caused acid burns that required hospital treatment to his head and one arm, and left permanent scarring. Mr Akbar told The Independent: The physical injuries have healed. The psychological problems go deeper.

They were trying to send me a message: that I am not safe. This time they weren't trying to kill me, but they were making it clear that they could.

Shahzad Akbar was lucky not to lose his sight during the attack (Shahzad Akbar)

A letter delivered today by lawyers Leigh Day to the Pakistan High Commission in London accuses named ISI and Pakistani army officers, saying they were also responsible for an attempted assassination of M . Khan in November 2022 and the murder of Arshad Sharif, investigative and television journalist. talk show host who often worked closely with Mr. Akbar. Like Mr Akbar, he had fled Pakistan after Khan's ouster.

Mr Akbar told The Independent that both men had received death threats from the ISI for continuing to campaign against corruption by foreign politicians and government officials. However, Sharif was unable to seek asylum in Britain and was shot dead by a paramilitary police unit in Kenya in October 2022.

The letter from Mr Akbar's lawyers says his death was initially described as a case of mistaken identity, but an investigative report from the Pakistani Interior Ministry concluded it was a planned and targeted assassination of a transnational nature.

The letter also cites the fact that on May 27 last year, Mr Akbar's brother Murad was kidnapped from his home in Islamabad by men dressed as police officers. After his family filed a habeas corpus complaint, a judge in Islamabad ordered his release.

But Pakistani law enforcement officials denied any knowledge of his arrest or his whereabouts, while ISI agents told Mr. Akbar that the only way to free his brother would be to return to the Pakistan and to testify in court against Mr Khan – who is currently in prison. , faced with dozens of accusations that his supporters describe as false and trumped up.

Shahzad Akbar and Imran Khan together in Pakistan (Supplied)

A senior government official delivered the same message at a news conference in Islamabad, in what Mr. Akbar called an attempt at blackmail. Mr. Akbar refused.

Three months after his brother's arrest, diplomatic pressure from Britain finally secured his release. Mr Akbar, who currently works for a human rights organization in London, said the impact of the attack on his family was devastating:

I am not allowed into my children's school, which means I feel stigmatized and isolated from other parents. My daughter was standing next to me when I was attacked and she is traumatized. I feel guilty for putting my wife and children in danger.

He said he had installed a whole bunch of security systems with the help of the police, but ultimately, if they want to kill me, they will. I hope my legal action will hold those responsible to account.

The Pakistan High Commission has been contacted for comment.




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