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Trump compares Biden administration to 'Gestapo' at private donor event

Trump compares Biden administration to 'Gestapo' at private donor event


PALM BEACH, Fla. Donald Trump compared President Joe Biden's administration to Nazi Germany's secret police in remarks at a private, closed-door donor retreat Saturday afternoon.

The former president's comments came as he discussed his legal troubles, attacking prosecutors in the cases and lamenting the recent indictments in Arizona of several of his former aides, as well as 11 so-called bogus voters. 2020 election.

These people run a Gestapo administration, Trump said, according to audio of the lunch provided to NBC News. And that's the only thing they have. And that's the only way they can win, in their opinion.

Once I was indicted, I said, 'Well, now we've got to take the gloves off,'” Trump added, saying Biden is the worst president in our country's history. He is clearly incompetent. He's twisted as hell. He is the Manchurian Candidate, accepting massive amounts of money from China, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries. He's a crook.

The former president added that he doesn't let his legal problems bother him too much.

If you worry too much, you tend to suffocate yourself. And in a way, I don't care. It's just that you know, life is life, he said.

However, he admitted to being surprised when he was charged.

Once I was charged, I said: Damn. I have just been charged. Me. I was indicted, Trump said.

He also called Jack Smith, the special prosecutor prosecuting two federal cases against Trump, an “evil thug” and “deranged.”

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump made the remarks at his Mar-a-Lago club Saturday afternoon, as hundreds of donors gathered here for the Republican National Committee's spring retreat.

The former president had little time to campaign as he had to spend four days a week in a Manhattan courtroom for his criminal trial, linked to secret payments of money to an adult film star during the 2016 elections.

Featured guests at this weekend's retreat include a number of potential vice presidential candidates, including South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Ohio Senator JD Vance and Florida Senator Marco. Rubio, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

Trump has not yet moved beyond the early stages of selecting a vice presidential candidate, as NBC News reported. Top candidates have not yet received detailed questionnaires or other requests for information to help them finalize a shortlist.

At the luncheon, Trump brought all of those guests on stage except Noem, who left early, according to two people in attendance as well as a number of other elected officials, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.

At the end, there were a lot of people on stage, a Republican source who attended the luncheon told NBC News.

Trump, according to the audio recording, praised Stefanik for her role in challenging former Harvard University President Claudine Gay, who resigned after being scrutinized for her testimony at a congressional hearing on the anti-Semitism on campus and after allegations of plagiarism in his academic work.

You destroyed it, Trump said. She did so well that everyone said she would run for vice president.

Vance, who had been a prominent critic of Trump in 2016 while promoting his memoir Hillbilly Elegy, turned out to be incredible, the former president said. The senator is expected to hold a fundraiser with Trump this month in Ohio.

You know he was not a supporter of mine, Trump said of Vance. “He was saying things like: Guys, this is a total disaster!

Scott, whose campaign for the Republican presidential nomination failed in the Iowa caucuses, did a good job, Trump said. But as a substitute, he's incredible.

And you know what he told me? He said: I never felt comfortable talking about myself. There's something nice about that. I never mind talking about myself. I am the opposite.

Trump also acknowledged Rubio and Donalds, his potential vice presidential picks from Florida, where he also resides. The Constitution prohibits electors from voting for a president and vice president of their own state.

Rubio, Trump said, is a talented guy and absolutely looked after, even if we have a little problem. It's a minor problem in Florida with these Florida guys, I have to be honest with you, including this guy Byron.

Burgum, a former software entrepreneur who became the first of Trump's high-profile rivals to back him, has drawn praise for his personal wealth.

He's a very rich man, he's made a lot of money, Trump said. I would always say, “These guys are really impressive.

Trump also praised Noem, although she did not take the stage, calling out the South Dakota governor who has been under fire since revealing in a forthcoming book that she shot and killed a family dog, someone I love.

She is with me and a supporter, and I have supported her for a long time, Trump added.

Trump also said he would allow anyone donating $1 million onsite to take the stage. Two people accepted his offer, including a woman who said: Donald J. Trump is God's chosen person.

Dasha Burns, Abigail Brooks and Olympia Sonnier report from Palm Beach, Florida; Henry J. Gomez of Cleveland, Ohio; and Amanda Terkel of Washington, D.C., Alec Hernndez and Nnamdi Egwuonwu are in Palm Beach.




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