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Xi Jinping visits Europe after almost 5 years to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation • International • Forbes Mexico

Xi Jinping visits Europe after almost 5 years to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation • International • Forbes Mexico


EFE.- The Chinese President, Xi Jinping, begins this Sunday an official trip to Europe which will last until May 10, the first on the old continent in almost five years, after the covid-19 pandemic, with the aim of strengthen bilateral relations. relations and cooperation with France, Serbia and Hungary.

The Asian giant's state media highlights that the upcoming visits by the general secretary of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) hope to promote the sustainable, stable and sound development of China-EU relations and help bring more stability and certainty in the global scenario.

Paris and Beijing in search of common ground

In his first stop in France, the Chinese president's third visit to the French capital, Xi is expected to meet French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Various analysts cited by media outlets such as the state agency Xinhua point out that there have been significant economic and cultural advances between China and France in recent years.

According to official data, trade has seen significant growth, with bilateral trade increasing to $78.9 billion (€73.327 million) in 2023, making China the European country's largest partner. in this field in Asia.

Furthermore, joint projects such as the protection and restoration of their respective iconic cultural heritages, including the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris and the Terracotta Warriors of Xian, have strengthened ties between the two countries.

Even though Paris and Beijing are very different in their culture, history and political systems, “we can draw inspiration from our differences to progress together,” said Eric Alauzet, president of the Assembly's France-China friendship group. French national, in reported statements. by Xinhua.

Hungary and Serbia, friendly countries

Besides France, Xi will also visit Hungary and Serbia, both considered close friends of China and close to Russia, especially President Vladimir Putin.

More than eight years ago, Budapest became the first EU member to participate in China's Belt and Road initiative, Beijing's ambitious infrastructure project with which it seeks to woo what she calls the Global South with billionaire investments which, however, have also been criticized. for the debt risk they involve.

Cooperation in infrastructure and transportation projects with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's country is an example of open cooperation and understanding with China.

In turn, Beijing has invested in the development of battery factories for electric vehicles in the Hungarian country, at a time when conflict over Chinese subsidies to the local new energy automobile industry has led to sanctions from the EU and has recently increased tensions between the two actors.

For their part, close relations between China and Serbia have always been marked by the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade by NATO in 1999, frequently recalled by state media when issues related to the Atlantic Alliance.

Thus, China delivered an advanced anti-aircraft system to Serbia in 2022 and promoted, among other projects expected to be discussed with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the Belgrade-Budapest railway.

Although Chinese official media do not mention anything on these issues, international political issues, such as the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, in addition to the position of the United States on them and the situation in Taiwan, are aspects that several analysts estimate will be processed.

“China and Europe are two important global players, and global challenges require them to work together,” Lyazid Benhami, vice-president of the Franco-Chinese Friendship Association of Paris, told Xinhua.

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