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Army insists on action against perpetrators of May 9 attacks, says riots have 'nothing hidden'

Army insists on action against perpetrators of May 9 attacks, says riots have 'nothing hidden'



Pakistan's military on Tuesday demanded a sincere and public apology from jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan and asked him to avoid what it called “the politics of anarchy and hatred” in order to revive his fortunes policy.

However, at the same time, he dismissed the possibility of a “deal” with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder, saying there would be no talks with “anarchists”.

Addressing a press conference on the eve of the first anniversary of the May 9 incident, Major General Ahmed Sharif of the DG Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said there was no doubt that the PTI was at the origin of the riots of May 9.

However, he said some people were calling for the creation of a judicial commission to investigate the events of May 9. He said the military was ready to form a judicial commission, but added that such an investigation should also cover the 2014 sit-in and other related events.

He denied the “narrative” that May 9 was a “false flag operation.”

During the press conference, a documentary film about May 9 was shown, in which attacks on military installations can be seen. The documentary also showed statements by PTI leaders Murad Saeed, Shandana Gulzar and Shehryar Afridi.

Major General Ahmed Sharif said a political party had provoked the youth, but now “confusion” was being created by demanding a judicial commission.

“We are ready… to create a judicial commission. The Judiciary Committee is also expected to explain what the 2014 sit-in was and what its goals were. It should also cover how Parliament was attacked. How people received the courage to oppose the state.

He said the capital was attacked using Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa resources in 2016, adding that Islamabad was attacked again in 2022.

Read more: PTI calls for judicial commission to probe May 9 events

The army spokesperson was asked about the statements of the PTI and the former prime minister, who said their February 8 triumph “rejected the May 9 narrative.”

In response, General Ahmed Sharif said the turnout on February 8 was 47 percent. “Among this political party that claims the narrative has been flipped, this one got 31 percent of the vote. 92% of the population does not support them. We believe that the people are on the side of the army.

He added that some political circles on social media frequently make accusations against the military and institutions. “In response to these allegations, instead of providing evidence, other allegations are being made.”

He called for legislative action on the issue, stressing that failure to act would destabilize the very fabric of society.

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The army spokesperson said letters were written to the IMF, pressure was put on not to give loan to Pakistan and let the country default. “If those behind May 9 are not punished, then no one’s life, wealth, honor and dignity will be safe.”

During the press conference, a journalist asked the DG ISPR that the alleged masterminds of May 9 had not been punished despite a year having passed.

The spokesperson stressed that May 9 was not just a concern for Pakistani forces but rather a matter for the entire Pakistani population.

“If one believes in Pakistan's justice system and its accountability framework, then according to the Constitution, those responsible for the events of May 9, including the perpetrators and masterminds, must face legal repercussions.”

Regarding “creating a narrative” on May 9, the army spokesperson added that May 9 is not a hidden thing. “The irrefutable proof of this is also in the public.”

“We all saw this with our own eyes. We have all seen how people are brainwashed. They have been brainwashed with lies and propaganda against the military, its leaders and its agencies. »

“Political leaders chose targets. Within hours, they attacked military installations across the country.”

Asked about the possibility of an agreement, the spokesperson reiterated that the army has no political role. “The army is apolitical and its relations with each government are in accordance with the Constitution and the law,” he added.

“All political parties are respectable for us. However, if a political group attacks its own army, no one will interact with it. The only way for such an anarchist group is to apologize to the nation and promise to abandon the politics of hatred and engage in constructive politics,” he stressed.

Regarding the allegations leveled by six judges of the Islamabad High Court against the intelligence agencies, the DG ISPR said the matter was currently under judicial review. “It’s not fair to make accusations without evidence. There is no benefit in involving the army in political affairs.”

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Asked about the accusation of “regime change” regarding Saudi Arabia, the army spokesperson expressed regret, saying: “You cannot damage relations with friendly countries in the name of expression . This is absolutely false.

Asked if the army had handed over military bases in Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa to the United States or if a similar deal was in the works, the spokesperson responded unequivocally, saying: “No bases has been and will not be transferred to anyone in Pakistan.

“It’s ridiculous. It’s propaganda.

Asked about the premature retirement of Corps Commander Mangala, General (retd) Ayman Safdar due to alleged political affiliations, the army spokesperson highlighted the rigorous, transparent and continuous process of self-accountability of the 'army.

He stressed that any violation of rules and regulations, including corruption, triggers the accountability system, which operates without discrimination. He particularly emphasized that the accountability process is even more rigorous for higher levels.

However, the spokesperson refrained from disclosing the specific charges against former corps commander Mangala or whether he had been removed from the post.

Asked about the progress of the investigation launched against former DG ISI General (retd) Faiz Hameed in connection with a housing society case, the DG ISPR outlined the accountability process in place.

He said a two-star general was overseeing the investigation under directives from the Supreme Court and the Department of Defense.

“Its objective is to examine the allegations and verify the facts. On this basis, recommendations will be prepared.

Talking about the police-army clash in Bahawalnagar, the spokesperson said, “Police and security officials resolved it amicably.”

He said the anti-national elements wanted to create division. The incident was unfortunate, it was resolved amicably and an investigation was underway.

He remarked that people who criticize Pakistan Army branches would like to live in DHA, get treatment at CMH and send their children to these universities and colleges. He said the role of the military in the ITFC and the economy was to facilitate the situation.

On Afghanistan, the spokesperson said that despite repeated requests and sharing of evidence, the banned group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) continued to operate from Afghanistan. “Pakistan has shared credible evidence, but no action has been taken. The link between recent terrorist incidents is found in Afghanistan.

“Pakistan has helped the Afghan interim government at all levels, but the promises it made in Doha do not seem to be kept. The agreement clearly states that Afghan territory will not be used against any country, but there is strong evidence that this is happening. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has registered repeated protests with the Taliban government.”

DG ISPR said that over the past few months, terrorists have attempted to disrupt the peace situation in Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

He said those who carried out the terrorist attack on the Chinese engineers were from Afghanistan. “The terrorists and their enablers were controlled from Afghanistan while the suicide bomber was also an Afghan citizen.”




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