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Chinese President Xi arrives in Hungary for talks on expanding Chinese investment

Chinese President Xi arrives in Hungary for talks on expanding Chinese investment


Budapest, Hungary — Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Hungary on Wednesday evening, the final stop of his five-day European tour, where he is expected to finalize a number of agreements with Prime Minister Viktor Orbn that will strengthen China's economic footprint in the region .

Xi is expected to spend two nights in the Hungarian capital Budapest, where he will meet with Orbn and Hungarian President Tams Sulyok. The discussions will focus on future Chinese investments in the central European country, which has deep economic ties with Beijing even as top European leaders pursue more protectionist policies to limit its reach on the continent.

Orbn, a nationalist populist whose illiberal policies have pushed him to the margins of the European Union, made his country the first in the 27-member bloc to participate in Xi's Belt and Road Initiative. Hungary finds itself halfway between its membership in the EU and NATO and its desire to establish diplomatic and commercial relations with autocratic governments outside these groupings.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Pter Szijjrt said at a news conference Monday that Xi and Hungarian officials would sign at least 16 bilateral agreements during the visit, Xi's first to the country as president.

Szijjrt called the visit historic and noted that China had provided more foreign investment to Hungary than any other country in 2023. He added that some of the agreements that will be signed would involve the expansion of the “Belt and the Road” in Hungary and could include investments in infrastructure and energy.

Xi's arrival in Budapest comes after a two-day visit to Belgrade, the Serbian capital, where he signed an agreement on building a common future with the Balkan country which, like Hungary, is considered friendly of Russian Vladimir Putin.

China has claimed neutrality in the Ukraine conflict, but has refused to call the Russian assault an invasion and has been accused of boosting Russia's military capacity. Hungary condemned the Russian invasion but threatened to block EU sanctions against Moscow and refused to provide military support to kyiv.

Xi and Orbn will likely discuss the war in Ukraine, Hungary's eastern neighbor. The Hungarian government strongly urged China to play a leading role in mediating peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and expressed support for the peace plan proposed by China.

Before Xi's arrival on Wednesday, a number of demonstrators gathered in central Budapest to protest his visit and call for autonomy for Tibet, which is under Chinese control.

Tibor Hendrey, a representative of the Tibet Aid Society, said doing business with China is important for the Hungarian economy, but highlighted the dangers of dealing with a country with a spotty record on democracy and human rights. the man.

We need a good relationship with a big empire, that's not a problem. The problem is that China has a completely different culture, a completely different approach to human rights,” Hendrey said. “I think they want to export that kind of thinking here to Hungary, and the Hungarian government is ready to accept it.




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