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Trump insults Biden, Pelosi at first rally since assassination attempt | Donald Trump News

Trump insults Biden, Pelosi at first rally since assassination attempt | Donald Trump News


Former US President Donald Trump held his first campaign rally since surviving an assassination attempt last week, delivering a fiery and rambling two-hour speech in which he attacked Democrats and repeated a series of false claims about immigration and election fraud.

The rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took place under tight security on Saturday, with Trump's speech marking a return to his usual campaign tactics of insults, false statements and offensive language.

The Republican candidate, who called for national unity in the wake of the shooting, mocked Democratic President Joe Biden as weak and compared former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to a dog.

The crowd of thousands laughed and cheered as he called on them to fight, fight, fight, recalling the moment after his assassination attempt on July 13, when, bloodied and surrounded by Secret Service agents, he raised his fist in the air and shouted, “Fight.”

Al Jazeera's Phil Lavelle, reporting from Grand Rapids, said Trump supporters came out in droves to show their support for their candidate in Michigan, a crucial state in the November election.

For hours before the rally began, there were lines. People lined up for miles, Lavelle said. Everyone I talked to said we wanted to be here, we wanted to support Donald Trump, and a number of T-shirts and hats replaced the slogans “Make America Great Again” with a picture of Trump with his fist raised and the words “Fight, Fight, Fight.” Everyone here really wanted to support the former president.

Trump, right, and Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. J.D. Vance attend a campaign event at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on July 20, 2024. [Carlos Osorio/AP]
Insults, false statements

In his speech, Trump described Biden as a stupid, low-IQ individual and attacked Democrats, saying they wanted to oust the president from the ticket after he won their nomination race.

They have a couple of problems. First of all, they have no idea who their candidate is, Trump said, drawing laughter and boos. This guy got votes and now they want to take them away.

Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, Trump said, “She turned on him like a dog. She's as crazy as a bedbug.” He also denigrated Vice President Kamala Harris as crazy.

Trump then repeated false claims of fraud in the 2020 election, which he lost to Biden, saying: “The radical left Democrats rigged the 2020 presidential election and are not going to allow them to rig the 2024 presidential election.”

He called on voters to hold a landslide vote that is too important to rig and warned those who voted early to track their vote.

The Republican candidate also issued a litany of threats against undocumented migrants, denouncing an invasion at the U.S. border and again suggesting that Democrats were letting it happen in hopes of using their votes.

He also touted his relationships with world leaders such as China's Xi Jinping, North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Hungary's Viktor Orban. He called the Chinese president a great guy and said he received a nice letter from him after the assassination attempt.

Trump also tried to distance himself from the Heritage Foundations Project 2025, a political and personal plan for a second Trump term that was developed by a host of former administration officials.

Trump has blasted the project, which has become a centerpiece of Biden's campaign, calling it far right and seriously extremist, just like the radical left.

I don't know, he insisted.

According to Al Jazeera's Lavelle, the rally marked the first time Trump and Vance have appeared together on the campaign stage. Now they are moving forward, each in their own direction. So Donald Trump will hold his own rallies, JD Vance will hold his, he said.

It's now becoming a two-person campaign where they both try to get the MAGA message out to as many people as possible before the November election.

I took a bullet for democracy

Trump's return to the campaign trail comes as Biden remains in isolation after contracting COVID-19. Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler told reporters on a conference call Saturday that details of the president's return will follow as soon as we get the green light.

Biden insisted he would not resign and tried to refocus attention on Trump, saying Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican convention on Thursday presented a bleak vision of the future.

The Republican candidate has pushed back against attempts to portray him as a threat to democracy and an extremist, even as he has promised mass deportations and threatened retaliation against his political enemies.

They keep saying, 'This is a threat to democracy. Last week, I took a bullet for democracy,' he said, to enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.

Opinion polls show a tight race between Trump and Biden nationally, but Biden is trailing in key battleground states that will likely determine the winner. Meanwhile, the 81-year-old president faces growing pressure to end his re-election campaign after his poor performance in last month's debate.

Many Democrats fear that Biden has no realistic path to victory and that the party needs a new candidate to take on Trump.

Arshad Hasan, a Democratic political strategist and founder of Convey Communications, told Al Jazeera that Trump's speech had a huge impact despite calls from across the political spectrum for a softening of the rhetoric following the assassination attempt on him.

“Trump and Vance have clearly taken a negative stance. They've started to characterize the Democratic Party in the most unflattering, negative tone, and so we haven't really stopped taking an aggressive tone,” Hasan said.

He acknowledged the turmoil within the Democratic Party but said it was unclear how Biden could be replaced at this late stage.

There's a lot of discussion about whether or not he should stay at the top of the ticket. But as it stands, he's the man who's won every Democratic primary in every state and territory, he said.

The real debate on this issue is how do we decide, with about 100 days to go until the election, who will be at the top of the ticket? That's where there's no clear answer. If we wanted to change who's at the top of the ticket, Joe Biden, how would we do it? Biden is the only person who can make that decision. And so far, he's said he's going to stay.




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