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Government officially launches Golden Visa

Government officially launches Golden Visa


President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia is a very promising country for investment. This is not without reason, given that Indonesia has various potentials such as good economic growth, maintained political stability, good demographics, and abundant natural resources.

This is the context of the government's decision to launch the Golden Visa, which Jokowi said will make it easier for foreign citizens (WNA) to invest and work in their home countries. However, Jokowi stressed that the granting of the Golden Visa must go through a very strict selection.

So attract more good quality traveler, For invest wealth stayAnd productive wealth remains. But remember, just for good quality traveler “So we have to be really selective, really selected, we have to really look at their contribution so as not to let in people who endanger national security, let in people who do not bring national benefits,” Jokowi said at the press conference launching the Golden Visa in Jakarta, Thursday (25/7).

President Jokowi, at the launch of the Golden Visa at Raffles Hotel in Jakarta, Thursday (25/7), hopes that the Golden Visa can attract more investors to invest in Indonesia and global talents to work in Indonesia. (Office of the Presidential Secretariat)

President Jokowi, at the launch of the Golden Visa at Raffles Hotel in Jakarta, Thursday (25/7), hopes that the Golden Visa can attract more investors to invest in Indonesia and global talents to work in Indonesia. (Office of the Presidential Secretariat)

He hopes that the information about the Golden Visa can be spread immediately, so that he will invite many investors and top investors. the world's best talents to the homeland and can contribute to national development. He hopes that this Golden Visa can also increase economic cooperation and become a bond of friendship between countries.

The Golden Visa is a service that provides residence permits to foreigners for a period of five to ten years on the condition that they invest a certain amount in their home country.

Individuals or foreign nationals will receive a five-year residence permit if they invest at least USD 350,000, and a ten-year residence permit if they invest at least USD 700,000.

Meanwhile, for companies or corporations, Golden Visas will be granted to directors and commissioners for five years if the company invests a minimum of $25 million, or ten years if it invests a minimum of $50 million.

Immigration Director General Silmy Karim said that to date, his party has issued around 300 Golden Visas with an investment value of around IDR 2 trillion.

300, we published it. If the person who gets the visa is an individual, the only door that registers is a person or a company. “The 300 people who received the Golden Visa registered and were selected by the person and not by the company,” Silmy said.

His party aims to have the Golden Visa granted to 1,000 people by the end of 2024. This figure, he admitted, is still low because it is in line with President Jokowi's direction regarding the need for strict selection.

Mr. President said that we had to be selective, we had to continue good quality traveler, This is what we are building from a systemic perspective, and this is also something new for immigration. Because whatever happens, it must aim to improve the economy and investments. Here is one treatment other things that previously had the main aspects in security, but now it is balanced with the way tasks and functions are added. Even though it is already in the Development Facilitators Act, this is a form, he explained.

President Jokowi accompanied by officials from relevant ministries/institutions officially launched the Golden Visa at Raffles Hotel, Jakarta on Thursday, July 25, 2024. (Office of the Presidential Secretariat)

President Jokowi accompanied by officials from relevant ministries/institutions officially launched the Golden Visa at Raffles Hotel, Jakarta on Thursday, July 25, 2024. (Office of the Presidential Secretariat)

On this occasion, Silmy did not clearly explain which major investors had received Golden Visas from Indonesia. However, he explained several important names who received it, such as the coach of the Indonesian national football team, Shin Tae Yong, and the boss of OpenAI, Sam Altman.

These are the icons that we hope will also encourage socialization, and there are several, for example the CEO of Boeing Indonesia is a US citizen, he received a Golden Visa, and one of the Nobel Prize winners in economics has also registered and received a Golden Visa, he added.

Various mitigation and preventive measures have been taken by the immigration authorities to prevent undesirable elements from granting the Golden Visa, one of which is the security factor.

We collaborate with Interpol, with CEKAL (preventing deterrence, editor's note), with anti-terrorism agencies. money laundering all these connect to us. This then becomes the basis of our selection. Then we also monitor, how much money is there, what are they doing, we also have personnel who are in charge of intelligence and surveillance next to us, we also monitor it, is it true or not, if everything is safe then everything is fine. “I think it is a wise thing to do so that we do not distribute Golden Visas recklessly,” he explained.

President Jokowi shook hands with a number of ambassadors from friendly countries who attended the launch of the Golden Visa at Raffles Hotel in Jakarta (25/7), and hoped that the ambassadors would spread and socialize the Golden Visa in their respective countries. (Office of the Presidential Secretariat)

President Jokowi shook hands with a number of ambassadors from friendly countries who attended the launch of the Golden Visa at Raffles Hotel in Jakarta (25/7), and hoped that the ambassadors would spread and socialize the Golden Visa in their respective countries. (Office of the Presidential Secretariat)

Indef economist Nailul Huda doubts that the granting of the Golden Visa will encourage more investors to invest their capital in Indonesia. According to him, it is possible that investments will come to Indonesia with the Golden Visa, but they will not be very large.

A Golden Visa can be taken when the person intends to invest in Indonesia, but the presence of a Golden Visa does not necessarily happen immediately.impact “The desire to invest in Indonesia is increasing,” Nailul said in an interview with VOA.

Nailul also warned the government not to let the Golden Visa bring various negative impacts such as ownership of various assets by foreigners, not the Indonesian people themselves.

When a person gets a Golden Visa, whether individual or business, they have other facilities such as owning assets such as real estate assets, etc. So what scares us when the Golden Visa is put up for sale, etc., what happens is not the increase in investment, but for example the increase in land owners. Do not let this Golden Visa grant be used only to own property or other things in Indonesia, because the facilities that Golden Visa holders have, in addition to being free to enter and exit Indonesia, if I am not mistaken with the property property He enjoyed different facilities than most foreigners, he stressed.

I am not against it, but there must be a certain limit so that having a Golden Visa does not lead to negative effects. There must be signs there, he concluded. [gi/ab]




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