Banning smoking outdoors would be a loss of freedom, say pub-goers
Banning smoking in pub gardens would ease the burden on the NHS, Sir Keir Starmer has said, despite fears it would devastate the sector.
The Prime Minister vowed to take action against smoking when asked about leaked plans that would ban smoking in outdoor hospitality venues, playgrounds and some other public spaces.
My starting point is to remind everyone that more than 80,000 people lose their lives every year because of smoking, he said.
This is an avoidable death, which is a huge burden on the NHS and, of course, on the taxpayer. So we will make decisions in this area.
Starmer said he wanted to move to a preventative model of health and that fixing the NHS meant take action on preventable deaths.
The ban is expected to be included in the Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Bill, which also aims to prevent anyone born after 2008 from buying cigarettes. The plans are based on an official study two years ago that suggested the government should aim to denormalise smoking rather than just prevent second-hand smoke, with the aim of halving smoking rates by the end of the decade.
Most voters support banning smoking outdoors, with YouGov finding that 58% support banning smoking in pub gardens and 35% oppose it.
To smoke or to breathe easily? View from the Biergarten
Nancy and Dorie
Nancy Graley, 52, sitting in the garden of The Black Horse pub, on a hilltop in Amberley, Gloucestershire, said if she were still a smoker she would feel a ban would be a step too far, but having quit 20 years ago, she supports the proposals.
Having a drink with her mother overlooking the Woodchester Vale, the carpet shop owner said: “A lot of people eat in pub gardens so maybe there should be a law passed to have a separate smoking area. If I was still a smoker it would really bother me because I know a cigarette and a pint is quite nice.”
Dorie Jones, his mother, 74, said: “I think we should do everything we can to reduce the number of deaths from lung cancer and stop these kids getting all these e-cigarettes that they think are candy. I think they should be banned completely.”
Dan and Oscar
At the Vinegar Yard beer bar in central London, Oscar McIntosh, 25, and Dan Bunn, 28, have a 20-pack of Marlboro Silvers on the table. They describe themselves as occasional smokers and tend to light up only after a few drinks.
But despite being a light smoker, Bunn, a pilot from Tunbridge Wells, is against the plan. “It takes away our freedom and our ability to enjoy ourselves. Banning smoking indoors is a good thing, but if you're outside, what you do doesn't affect anyone,” he said.
We are human beings who work hard to pay our taxes. Why do people tell us what we can and can't do? Everyone will just go outside the pub and it will be much worse than having a quiet cigarette at a table outside.
Bunns' mother and stepfather run the Chequers Inn in Battle, East Sussex, and he fears for the hospitality sector in general, citing staff shortages, high beer duty and rising product costs.
McIntosh, a car salesman, worries about politicians' priorities. How do you target smokers in London when knife crime is rife? Everyone knows smoking kills, he said.
I am really worried about pubs. This is an attack on pubs and nightlife. Pubs are a community centre and a living room. You are taking away freedom of choice. It is just another thing that pub owners have to watch out for.
Diane and Bella
Diana Mcilroy, a smoker with her French bulldog Bella, said she would feel targeted if the ban was introduced.
Diana Mcilroy, 49, an executive assistant drinking a glass of white wine in the walled garden of The Old Lodge pub, at the top of National Trust-owned Minchinhampton Common near Stroud, Gloucestershire, said she enjoyed the occasional cigarette and would hate to see a ban.
Mcilroy, who is accompanied by her French bulldog Bella, said: If I come to a pub and have a glass of wine, I would like to sit in the beer garden and be allowed to smoke a cigarette, knowing that I am not disturbing anyone.
After putting a nicotine gum in her mouth, she added: “I've never felt targeted as a smoker, but if a ban was put in place I would feel targeted.”
Brad and Duncan
Brad Maule-Ffinch doesn't smoke, but wonders how the ban would be enforced
Over a pint of Staropramen in the garden of London's Bermondsey Bar & Kitchen, Brad Maule-ffinch, an events worker, had made up his mind. “It's absolutely crazy, I think it's crazy,” he said.
Maule-Finch, 50, who doesn't smoke, is concerned that any excessive policing of the ban could cause problems. If someone walks past outside a pub smoking and I smell tobacco, should I call the police? Where will it stop? Outside is by definition outside, there are no defined boundaries.
But his colleague Duncan Kirk, 52, is all for it: “I'm all for it. There's nothing worse than sitting outside as a non-smoker and smelling that nasty stench. People want to have a choice. I've lived in Australia and the US where there are strict smoking restrictions and it's a much nicer environment.”
Kirk acknowledged that it would be difficult for some pubs, but expressed support for the idea of ​​banning smoking outside schools, children's play areas and hospital wards. I like the idea. But as a non-smoker, I'm selfish.
Additional reporting: Will Humphries, South West correspondent; Laurence Sleator and Sophia Fidler
Sources 2/ https://www.thetimes.com/uk/healthcare/article/smoking-ban-pub-gardens-outdoor-spaces-labour-3gqbw5rjp The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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