Lawmakers criticize US Congress for 'interference' – World
Coalition parliamentarians write to Prime Minister Shehbaz and condemn the letter regarding Imran's plight. Call on diplomats in Washington to engage with members of the Pakistani caucus to clear up their misconceptions.
ISLAMABAD: Parliamentarians from the ruling coalition, as well as the JUI-F, have written to the prime minister, condemning a recent letter from 62 US Congress members as interference in Pakistan's democratic processes.
Last week, members of the US House of Representatives wrote to President Joe Biden, calling for the release of political prisoners in Pakistan, including former Prime Minister Imran Khan.
In their letter, the Pakistani parliamentarians criticized US lawmakers for undermining Pakistan's democratic institutions and called for a more enlightened perspective on the country's political affairs.
The letter, signed by MPs and senators from PML-N, PPP, MQM-P, ANP, Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), Istehkam-i-Pakistan Party (IPP), as well as by independent lawmakers, urged members of the US Congress to separate fact from fiction.
Addressed to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the letter criticized members of the US Congress for asking President Joe Biden to intervene and secure the release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. The parliamentarians argued that the call constituted undue interference in Pakistan's internal affairs.
We are writing to express our concerns over the unwarranted and inaccurate comments on Pakistan's domestic politics by 62 members of the US House of Representatives, the letter said.
He said U.S. lawmakers' views on the Feb. 8 general election were wrong, noting that international observers widely viewed the elections as free and fair.
We are indeed stunned to note the blind support of members of the American Congress for a person who disavowed the paternity of his daughter in a court in Los Angeles, California, and who remains a fugitive from this same court to this day , the letter says.
As elected officials, parliamentarians said they felt obligated to raise their concerns through the prime minister. They underscored the need for U.S. lawmakers to critically evaluate the motivations behind what they see as a campaign to undermine Pakistan's democratic institutions. The letter also accused Imran Khan of encouraging political violence and criminal intimidation against his rivals and state institutions.
Over the past decade, he has incited mobs to attack Parliament, the state television building and Radio Pakistan, apart from widespread carnage and vandalism on May 9, 2023, which remains the day the darkest in our history, adds the letter.
The letter characterizes some PTI actions as digital terrorism, referring to cases where US law also allows strict measures against its citizens, including the use of force and surveillance.
Even the United States authorizes the use of force against civilians (DoD Directive 5240.01), authorizes surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and tries individuals under the Military Commissions Act 2006, the letter said.
The lawmakers said Imran Khan had recently strained relations between the United States and Pakistan, referring to testimony by Deputy Secretary of State Donald Lu, who accused the former prime minister of orchestrating a campaign based on a total lie.
It is our duty to remind the people of Pakistan, both at home and abroad, that the politics of hatred, exclusion and extremism expounded by Mr. Imran Khan Niazi and the PTI do not reflect or Pakistani society nor American values, the letter said.
The letter asked Prime Minister Shehbaz to request the diplomatic mission in Washington to involve the members of Pakistan Caucus in the US Congress, as well as the signatories of this letter, to highlight the right perspective on the issue and caution them against baseless political propaganda. against the Pakistani government, its officials, its elected officials, the country's democratic institutions and the judicial system.
The lawmakers expressed their respect for the American political process and their commitment to working with the new White House administration after the next election.
Published in Dawn, November 1, 2024
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/1869022 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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