Xi Jinping Sène René with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico
Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico in Beijing on Friday.
Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Slovakia, Xi stressed that after three quarters of a century of development, the traditional friendship between the two countries is full of vitality and that cooperation in various areas had borne fruit. fruitful results, generating tangible benefits for the populations of both countries.
“We have decided to move China-Slovakia relations into a strategic partnership, which meets the requirements of the future development of the two countries and injects strong new impetus into bilateral cooperation,” Xi said, adding that China is ready to work with Slovakia to open a new chapter in their bilateral relations and elevate their ties to a higher level.
Xi said the two countries should deepen political mutual trust and urged the two sides to maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, adhere to mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits, and take into account the fundamental and major concerns of the other.
To expand pragmatic cooperation, Xi said the two countries should make good use of the newly established intergovernmental cooperation committee to strengthen synergy in new energy, transportation and logistics, infrastructure construction and water resources management. China encourages its companies to invest in Slovakia and invites Slovak companies to explore the Chinese market, he said.
Xi said the two countries should promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges. He urged the two sides to conduct communication and dialogue among political parties, local governments, youth, think tanks and media, and make good use of platforms such as Confucius Institutes to consolidate the foundation of public opinion in favor of China-China friendship. Slovakia through the generations.
China has decided to grant visa-free entry for 15 days to Slovak citizens, Xi added.
Xi noted that the two countries should strengthen international cooperation. In a complex and rapidly changing world, Xi said, the two sides should uphold genuine multilateralism, firmly safeguard the international system centered on the United Nations and the international order based on international law, and advocate for a fair, orderly and universal multipolar world. beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, adopt a vision of global governance characterized by broad consultation, common contribution and shared benefits, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity.
China attaches great importance to China-Europe relations, Xi said, adding that next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union (EU), and the Sino-European relations should demonstrate the maturity and stability due to them.
Xi expressed hope that the new European institutions will adhere to the direction of the China-EU partnership, take a positive and pragmatic approach, properly handle disputes, and refrain from politicizing economic and trade issues.
Fico noted that Slovakia firmly adheres to the one-China policy and recognizes the government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate government representing all of China. Slovakia opposes any interference in the internal affairs of other countries and advocates respect for the development path chosen by each country.
Slovakia appreciates China's decision to grant Slovak citizens a 15-day visa waiver, Fico said. Slovakia supports facilitating trade between the people of the two countries and welcomes more Chinese companies to invest in the country and strengthen cooperation in areas such as new energy and infrastructure, he added.
Slovakia appreciates the three major global initiatives proposed by President Xi and is willing to strengthen exchanges with China on state governance experience and actively promote the EU's commitment to handling disputes through dialogue and consultations, Fico said.
The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis. Xi outlined China's consistent principle and position, praising Slovakia for taking an objective, rational and impartial position. He called on Slovakia, as well as other like-minded countries, to play a positive role in promoting peace talks.
Fico affirmed that China's position on the Ukrainian crisis is fair, objective and constructive. Slovakia is willing to join forces with the Friends of Peace group on the Ukrainian crisis and work with China to contribute to a political solution to the crisis.
After the meeting, the two sides issued a joint statement on establishing a strategic partnership.
Sources 2/ https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/esp/wjdt/wshd/202411/t20241102_11520286.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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