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World leaders congratulate Trump on election victory

World leaders congratulate Trump on election victory


World leaders congratulated Donald Trump on his victory Wednesday in the 2024 US presidential election.

Trump defeated Democratic rival Kamala Harris, marking a historic political comeback for the former Republican president after four years out of office.

Many world leaders took to the social media site -United during his first term.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was one of the first US allies to send a message of support, welcoming Trump's historic return, which he said constitutes a powerful recommitment to the grand alliance between Israel and America.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump appears on a billboard congratulating the 2024 U.S. presidential election, in Tel Aviv, Israel, November 6, 2024.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump appears on a billboard congratulating the 2024 U.S. presidential election, in Tel Aviv, Israel, November 6, 2024.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in a congratulatory message that his government would remain steadfast in its commitment to peace and that he was confident that the United States would support the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Qatar, a key mediator in the Gaza ceasefire negotiations and the hostage release deal, sent its congratulations to Trump. Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said he looked forward to working with the United States to promote security and stability in the region and around the world.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a message on X, congratulated his “friend” Trump for winning the American presidential election after “a great battle”. He added that he hoped that regional and global crises, particularly the wars in the Middle East and the war between Russia and Ukraine, “will come to an end.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who called for more support from the United States and the West to fight the Russian invasion, spoke positively of what he called Trump's commitment to peace by force in world affairs.

It is exactly this principle that can practically bring a just peace in Ukraine closer. I am hopeful that we will implement this together, Zelenskyy said.

The head of NATO, the Western military alliance that Trump has long criticized for not doing enough to ensure Europe's defense, made similar comments in his congratulatory message to Trump.

His leadership will once again be essential to maintaining the strength of our Alliance. I look forward to working with him again to advance peace through strength through #NATO, said NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte.

French President Emmanuel Macron also quickly sent his congratulations, saying he was ready to work together as we have done for four years with your conviction and mine.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said his government stood for the shared values ​​of freedom, democracy and enterprise side by side.

From growth and security to innovation and technology, I know the special relationship between the UK and US will continue to flourish on both sides of the Atlantic for years to come, said Starmer.

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said she “warmly congratulates[s]” Trump and praised the “true partnership” between the European Union and the United States.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a televised statement Wednesday that while many things will certainly be different under a government led by Donald Trump, Germany remains a reliable transatlantic partner of the United States.

During Trump's first term, friction arose between the EU and the United States, in part due to Trump's imposition of tariffs on European exports.

Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, a conservative Trump ally, called Trump's victory “the greatest comeback in U.S. political history” and said it was an “indispensable victory” for the world.

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala congratulated Trump and said on

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau congratulated Trump on his election victory. “The friendship between Canada and the United States is the envy of the world. I know that President Trump and I will work together to create greater opportunity, prosperity and security for our two nations,” he said. he declared in an article on X.

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum, who took office last month, told reporters she would wait to officially recognize the winner of the U.S. presidential election until some U.S. states had finished counting their votes. “There is no reason to worry,” she said, expressing confidence that “there will be good relations with the United States.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has not commented on the US election results. But on

“The goals of the special military operation remain unchanged and will be achieved,” Medvedev continued.

Asian leaders also began sending congratulatory messages.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said: “Australians and Americans are great friends and true allies.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his warmest congratulations to Trump, whom he called a friend.

As you build on your successes from the previous term, I look forward to revisiting our collaboration to further strengthen the U.S.-India relationship, Modi said.

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said he looked forward to working closely with Trump. Under your firm leadership, the future of the ROK-US alliance will shine brighter, he added.

Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba extended sincere congratulations to Trump, saying he hopes to further strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance and cooperate to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific.

In a statement, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. expressed hope that the “unshakeable alliance” between Washington and Manila “will be a force for good that will pave the way for prosperity and friendship, in the region and on both sides of the world. Peaceful.”

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Beijing will continue to manage China-US relations based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.

Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te, in a message on shared, will continue to serve as a cornerstone of regional stability.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said in a statement that he hoped the “unshakeable alliance” between the two nations, tested in war and peace, “will be a force for good that will pave the way for prosperity and to friendship in the region. and on both sides of the Pacific. »

In Kabul, Afghan Taliban leaders, reacting to Trump's election victory, said they expected a balanced U.S. foreign policy and tangible progress in relations with the United States under the incoming Trump administration.

The Taliban Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it hoped Afghanistan and the United States would be able to open a new chapter in their bilateral relations. The Taliban recalled that their Doha agreement with the previous Trump administration in February 2020 had ended 20 years of occupation of Afghanistan.

In Latin America, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva congratulated Trump. In an article on X, the left-wing leader said democracy is the voice of the people and must always be respected, adding that the world needs dialogue and common work.

Argentine President Javier Milei also congratulated Trump on his stunning election victory. You know you can count on Argentina to accomplish your task, Milei said in a post on X.

In Africa, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed congratulated Trump on his “election victory and comeback” and said he looked forward to working together to further strengthen relations between the two countries, in an article on X.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi also congratulated Trump, hoping his return to the White House could help bring peace to the Middle East.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa congratulated Trump on his US election victory in an article on X, saying he looked forward to continuing the close and mutually beneficial partnership between their two nations.

Several international organizations have praised American democracy.

In a statement, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, congratulated President-elect Trump and reaffirmed his belief that cooperation between the United States and the United Nations is an essential pillar of international relations.

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, said he hoped to work cooperatively with the next Trump administration, adding that the new US administration would involve adjustments and different approaches in the relations with Iran.

Meanwhile, Iran has downplayed the significance of the US elections. A government spokesperson said the US election was not really about us and would not have an impact on people's livelihoods.




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