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Grewal Street: Trump's remarkable comeback and key lessons for conservatives to mobilize voters here

Grewal Street: Trump's remarkable comeback and key lessons for conservatives to mobilize voters here


Rue Grewal is a Trois-Rivières district councilor and vice-president of the Hertfordshire Conservatives' regional management director.

Like many, I remained glued to the television, watching the entire US election unfold in real time.

I was constantly messaging my American friends, my extended family there, and even a few friends who worked directly on the Trump campaign. Messages went back and forth as it became clear that all the polls and so-called pundits predicting a close race had completely missed the mark.

As the results came in, it was undeniable: This was not a close game. Trump had not only secured the presidency, he also helped sweep the Senate and House. It's one of the most astonishing political comebacks I've ever seen, and it made me wonder how he achieved it and what it means for all of us going forward.

Donald Trump's return to the presidency can indeed be considered one of the greatest political comebacks in modern history. After a previous defeat, few could have expected him to regain such a firm grip on American politics. But still, Trump once again secured the presidency, as well as a stronghold in the Senate and House of Representatives, a victory that speaks volumes about today's electorate.

Trump's success this time wasn't because he spoke to celebrities or had the support of the mainstream media. In fact, he actively circumvented these traditional powers. Instead, he focused on issues that deeply affected his base: economic stability, border security and a message of strength and nationalism. This approach appears to have struck a chord, particularly with voters who feel left behind by mainstream political voices.

Biden's timing of resignation gave voters limited time to truly evaluate an alternative. This, combined with a distrust of establishment narratives, has seen Trump's flaws in authenticity and all more understandable and reliable than the lofty promises of his opponents. Today's electorate is more skeptical, less trusting of authority, and hungry for leaders they believe truly understand them, even if those leaders have complex or imperfect backgrounds. This speaks to a shift in political culture: people are looking less at the image and more at someone who reflects their frustrations and desire for real change.

Trump's presidency will undoubtedly shape America's relationship with the world. His approach to foreign policy, trade and defense will likely mark a return to America First, which could impact global markets, alliances and policies. This comeback also emboldens other nationalist movements around the world, setting the tone for countries that prioritize national sovereignty and independence over global cooperation.

Trump's approach also has lessons for the Conservative Party.

He defied traditional campaign strategies by engaging with voters on a personal and direct level, using unfiltered platforms and bypassing media outlets that he believed did not accurately represent his views. He championed issues that many elites were reluctant to discuss, but which resonated deeply with ordinary citizens.

For conservatives, it is useful to recognize and adapt to this new wave of voter expectations. Today's electorate craves authenticity, no matter how messy it may be. Trump's victory shows that voters are willing to overlook flaws if they believe a candidate truly fits their needs and values. This means taking clear, strong positions and directly addressing the concerns of working-class citizens who may feel alienated from political power.

The lesson for conservatives? Empathy, authenticity and a direct response to public opinion can trump polished platforms.

Trump's victory highlights an important shift: a candidate's personality, once paramount, is now judged differently. Voters seem to prefer a leader who is one of them, rather than someone who feels distant or artificial. This could indeed give hope to figures like Boris Johnson, who, despite their own controversies, communicate with the public on a more personal level.

Not a week goes by in my advisors' offices without someone asking me if Boris is going to make a comeback. My response is usually just a shrug. But with Trump's return, it appears he has written new rules for political comebacks, showing that with the right strategy, even the most improbable comebacks are possible.

Trump's return shows that politics has entered a new era, one where authenticity and relevance can sometimes trump traditional presidential experience and veneer. This is a call for leaders to step up and speak out, addressing the real and sometimes uncomfortable issues that matter most in people's daily lives.

Ultimately, Trump's return to power could reshape more than just America: It might just change the way we view leadership itself. And for conservatives everywhere, it's a reminder to listen closely to the public's heartbeat, even if it beats differently than expected.




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