Heavy alcohol consumption increases by 20% among US adults under 50

- A large new study shows that binge-drinking habits among U.S. adults have persisted even after the coronavirus pandemic.
- Researchers say drinking levels stabilized before the pandemic, spiked during the first lockdown and continued into at least 2022, if not longer.
- Alcohol use has been linked to more than 200 diseases, injuries, and other health conditions, including heart disease and various types of cancer.
- Binge drinking among adults under 50 has increased by 20%, with experts raising concerns about what they are calling a major public health problem.
Binge drinking in the United States skyrocketed during the coronavirus pandemic and continued even after it ended, according to researchers at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC).
A large, nationally representative study published on November 12th. Annual report of internal medicinefound that alcohol use among adults 18 and older increased by 4% from 2018 to 2020, and heavy alcohol use increased by a whopping 20%. Researchers say the increase was maintained in 2022.
“These numbers reflect an alarming public health problem that has the potential to pose serious health risks to too many people,” he said. Brian P. Lee, MD, MAS“This study's primary investigator is a hepatologist and liver transplant expert at Keck Medicine at the University of Southern California,” said Dr. statement. “Our results suggest that men and women under the age of 50 are at particular risk.”
This population-based study included adults aged 18 and older who participated in the National Health Interview Survey from 2018 to 2022.
Data includes 24,965 respondents in 2018, 30,829 respondents in 2020, and 26,806 respondents in 2022.
The researchers divided respondents into two categories: any alcohol consumption within a year after the survey, or heavy alcohol consumption.
They defined heavy drinking as 5 or more drinks per day or 15 drinks per week for men and 4 or more drinks per day or 8 drinks per week for women.
Increases in alcohol use were seen across all age groups, genders, races, ethnicities, and regions in the United States, except for Asian Americans and Native Americans. Adults aged 40 to 49 had the largest increase in heavy drinking.
Although researchers did not assess what caused the increase, the 2020 spike was linked to pandemic-related stressors that normalized heavy drinking, especially among adults in their 40s. I theorized that it did.
“The biggest increase in heavy alcohol consumption among young people under 50 is seen in clinics and hospitals, and it shows in the numbers,” Lee told Healthline.
“Three years ago, we Increased alcohol use'' Lee said of the previous research. “We now show that these increases are sustained. We also show that the health consequences of increased alcohol consumption, such as liver transplants and alcohol-related deaths, are increasing as well. It's clear that this is a crisis.”
Lee said Americans' alcohol consumption has reached “historic highs.” “For me, that's very concerning. We know that alcohol is a toxin. We know that it has serious health effects,” he said. Ta.
Mr Lee said alcohol use had increased during the pandemic, which was likely due to stress factors from lockdowns to boredom to changes in the way people commute to work and children's schools.
“Before the pandemic, there had been a stabilization towards a decline in binge drinking, but the pandemic has reversed that trend in a very worrying way,” he said.
“We know that alcohol can become addictive, and even if the trigger that started a new habit in the first place is gone, the habit may still be there,” Lee said. stated and offered possible explanations for why alcohol use persists.
“And we also know that alcohol is addictive. Alcohol can start as a habit and then become an addiction. The more deeply ingrained and entrenched alcohol use becomes, the harder it is to quit. ” he added.
Joseph R. Volpicelli MD, PhDThe executive director of the Institute of Addiction Medicine told Healthline that pandemic-era drinking continues to persist among adults, especially those in their 40s, for several reasons.
Increased stress, anxiety and depression related to work, childcare, reduced social interaction and financial insecurity may have led many people to use alcohol as a coping mechanism, he said. .
“Habits formed during lockdown and social isolation have led to increased drinking at home,” Volpicelli explained.
“Habits formed over months can become deeply ingrained and difficult to reduce when normal life returns. The negative health effects of increased alcohol intake may not be immediately apparent. , the habit can continue unchecked until more serious problems develop,” he said.
“I think liver disease “It needs to be prioritized not only in terms of research, but also in terms of screening and treating alcohol users,” he said.
Moderate drinkers also face potential health risks, with new evidence linking them to negative health outcomes. moderate drinking.
“We should not ignore the full scope of the health risks of alcohol.” Dr. David Cutlera board-certified family medicine physician at Providence St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California, told Healthline in response to this issue. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association study.
“Evidence shows that alcohol in any quantity can be harmful. We have no tolerance for pregnant women or minors. “We should seriously consider whether this is in the best interest of the overall health of our patients,” Kalter said.
Addressing heavy alcohol consumption as a public health problem may require targeted campaigns to raise awareness about the risks and improved access to mental health services, Volpicelli said. pointed out.
“Encouraging healthy coping mechanisms and providing support to change habits can help individuals reduce their drinking to pre-pandemic levels,” Volpicelli said.
Mr. Volpicelli offered the following tips for cutting back on drinking.
- Set clear goals and be mindful of your drinking behavior.
- Avoid triggers (people, places, activities, etc.) for heavy drinking.
- develop healthy coping strategies for stress management (In other words, yogameditation, exercise).
- Avoid alcohol at home and stock up on non-alcoholic alternatives like sparkling water and tea.
- Choose low-alcohol options or lighter drinks.
- Specify a no-drinking date.
- Find support, such as talking to friends and family or joining a support group.
- Seek professional help from your doctor or mental health professional.
- Consider medications such as naltrexonehelps reduce appetite.
- Develop alternatives to drinking, such as hobbies and social activities that don't involve alcohol.
- When you reach your goals, praise your progress and celebrate milestones.
“Reducing alcohol is a personal journey and a variety of strategies can help you reach your goals. Medications like naltrexone may provide additional support, but professional guidance and It should be part of a comprehensive plan that includes changes in style,” Volpicelli said.
Heavy alcohol consumption among U.S. adults continues even after the pandemic, according to a new study. Heavy alcohol consumption increased by 20% from 2018 to 2020 and remained stable in 2022, especially among adults in their 40s.
Alcohol use is linked to more than 200 diseases, injuries, and other health conditions. Authors of new worksIt is hoped that the results of this study will further raise awareness of the dangers of heavy drinking.
“We encourage health care providers to offer more testing for harmful alcohol use and interventions to at-risk populations,” Lee said in a statement.
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