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As Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House, Governor Phil Scott takes a cautious stance

As Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House, Governor Phil Scott takes a cautious stance


Governor Phil Scott speaks to the media after voting in Berlin on Tuesday, November 5. Photo by Josh Kuckens/VTDigger

Gov. Phil Scott has made it clear he doesn't like President-elect Donald Trump, but he's also not sounding the alarm as Trump prepares to be sworn in again in January.

The national election results are causing concern and uncertainty for many because we don't know what President Trump will do, the Vermont governor said during a news conference Wednesday afternoon in Montpelier, the first since Trump's victory. Trump last week. For the sake of our country, we must heal divisions and fear, and we must at least give it the opportunity to do better and do what is right.

It's unclear what Trump will do when he returns to the White House, Scott said. He questioned whether the new administration would fully implement Republican campaign promises, such as its promise to once again withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accords and deport more than 11 million undocumented immigrants.

There's a lot of talk about things he will or won't do, and we've seen a lot of speeches throughout the campaign, but that's usually what happens during a campaign, Scott said. And then we have to wait and see what actually happens.

Scott, who was elected to his first term as governor in 2016, when Trump won his first presidential term, has been a vocal critic of former presidents for years, despite the fact that they share a party label. In both the 2020 and this year's elections, the moderate Republican publicly voted for Trump's two most recent Democratic opponents: President Joe Biden in 2020 and Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

But while the outcome wasn't the one he preferred, Scott said Wednesday that Trump won a fair election, that ultimately it wasn't close and that we must respect the will of the voters.

And while other governors of blue-leaning states are proposing contingency plans to prepare for a second Trump administration, Scott put the brakes on Wednesday.


As I did in my first term, I will not hesitate to protect Vermonters and our rights if it becomes necessary, Scott said. But if those of us who didn't vote for him immediately go into attack mode, it will only divide us further. And we desperately need to heal our fractured country.

Last week, California's Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, called a special session of that state's legislature in December to preemptively pass legislation aimed at strengthening the state's defenses against the incoming Trump administration. And this week, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, both Democrats, announced the formation of the nonpartisan Governors' Group to Save Democracy. (No Republicans have signed on so far, according to Reuters.)

At Wednesday's news conference, Scott cast a chill over his Democratic colleagues' efforts and suggested they might do more harm than good.

He named Newsom and Pritzker as presidential candidates and said, “I don't know if you made the connection, but I think they're running in 2028, right?” And about the group of Governors for Safeguarding Democracy, he said: I don't think there is a single governor in office today who does not want to protect democracy.

Later, if we find that this is necessary and would be helpful, etc., I will revisit it, Scott said. But at this point, I'm not ready to jump into that. This seems too political to me.

Scott said Vermonters shouldn't expect him to tone down his criticism of Trump when necessary, saying, “I'm not going to be any different than I've been before.” I call 'em like I see 'em, and that's what I did during the first four years of the Trump administration.

But Scott didn't seem too concerned about Trump retaliating against him or the state of Vermont, as a whole, for his criticism.

I hope he spends more time trying to bring the country together and improve some of our shortcomings and less time getting revenge, because that's just a waste of time, Scott said.




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