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NATO Tech Scouts Strengthen Europe for a World with Donald Trump

NATO Tech Scouts Strengthen Europe for a World with Donald Trump


It's the day after Donald Trump declared his election victory, and a NATO technology scout is examining a miniature factory, the size of a shoebox, designed to make semiconductors in space.

Chris O'Connor, with his black bomber jacket and military haircut, has spent the last year traveling across Europe looking for companies that would give NATO a technological advantage over Russia and China, a task that has become even more urgent over the past 36 hours as the region rushes to prepare. for Trump 2.0. Here, in a gray industrial area on the outskirts of Cardiff, Wales, he thinks he's found one.

Space Forge wants to send satellites equipped with tiny clean rooms into space, where they will grow semiconductor crystals before returning them safely to Earth.

A Space Forge satellite could eventually create enough semiconductor materials to power tens of thousands of phones, estimates chief technology officer Andrew Bacon, speaking in an office crowded with freshly hired staff. Bacon says he's more interested in making chargers for electric cars to combat climate change, and Space Forges has the potential to exorcise every polluting industry on the planet.

But OConnor is here because Space Forge attracted interest from the billion-dollar NATO Innovation Fund (NIF). Manufacturing semiconductors in space, where there is no dirt, air or gravity, has the potential to provide efficiencies that could create superior versions of military tools such as radars.

The distance that radar can cover, in terms of what it can see and how quickly it can do it, can be significantly improved using these materials, says OConnor, explaining why Space Forge was among the top six investments in the NIF to be made public.

Alongside Space Forge, NIF's investments over the past year include battlefield robots, a company making a lighter version of the carbon fiber used to build cars and rockets, and several space startups.

This is the alliance's first foray into the high-risk, high-reward world of venture capital, using its members' money to fund the experiment. Space Forge has never actually made any semiconductor material in space. The only time the company attempted to launch its satellites, the Virgin Orbit rocket carrying them crashed 177 kilometers above Earth before crashing into the ocean. OConnor, one of three partners in the fund, is optimistic that there is no guarantee the investments will work. We were given the mandate to take this risk, he said.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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