PM Modi praises film The Sabarmati Report 2002, Godhra tragedy starring Vikrant Massey, says truth is coming out
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday hailed the film 'The Sabarmati Report', which focuses on the events leading up to the Godhra train tragedy of 2002. Hailing the film for “revealing the truth” behind the incident, Prime Minister Modi said that a “false narrative can only persist for a limited period of time”.
“It's good that this truth is coming out, and that too in a way that common people can see it,” PM Modi said while praising the film starring Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna and Ridhi Dogra , among others.
PM Modi made the remark while responding to an X user's view on the film. The user, in his review, called the film a must-watch, adding that the makers have done a commendable job in revealing the truth behind the 2002 Godhra tragedy, in which 59 people, including women and children , lost their lives.
The film, directed by Dheeraj Sarna, looks at the 2002 tragedy that led to riots in several parts of Gujarat. Starring Vikrant Massey, the film was released on November 15. User X, in his short review, said that the makers handled the issue with great sensitivity and dignity.
He also claimed that the incident had been politicized by an “interest group” who had taken advantage of it to “tarnish the image of a leader”.
Vikrant Massey thanked Prime Minister Modi for praising the film, saying his “positive words” had encouraged the team. Sabarmati Report producer Ekta Kapoor also shared her gratitude, highlighting how PM Modi's appreciation was a significant boost for the film's team.
Resharing the Prime Minister's message, Ekta wrote in Hindi on They boosted our morale. Your appreciation of #TheSabarmatiReport proves that we are moving in the right direction. . Thank you for this love and support.”
On the morning of February 27, 2002, the Sabarmati Express arrived at Godhra railway station in Gujarat at the scheduled time. The train, connecting Muzaffarpur in Bihar to Ahmedabad in Gujarat, was carrying hundreds of passengers, including a significant number of Hindu karsevak volunteers returning from a religious gathering in Ayodhya.
As the train departed from Godhra, the conductor reported that the emergency chains were pulled several times, causing the train to stop near the station's exterior signal. An attack followed: a crowd, numbering around 2,000 people, threw stones at the train and set fire to four of its carriages.
The S-6 coach was the most affected and the fire claimed the lives of 59 people, including 27 women and 10 children. 48 other passengers were injured in the attack.
The Godhra tragedy sparked communal riots across Gujarat starting on February 28, 2002. Despite the state government's claims to control the violence within three days, the unrest persisted for weeks, with sporadic clashes that lasted up to three months.
However, a Supreme Court-ordered probe found no evidence of wrongdoing by Prime Minister Modi, who was chief minister of Gujarat when the riots broke out in 2002.
The Godhra train burning and the subsequent riots in Gujarat remain a defining moment in modern Indian history, marked by intense communal conflict and significant socio-political repercussions.
Sources 2/ https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/pm-modi-praises-film-the-sabarmati-report-vikrant-massey-2002-godhra-gujarat-2634791-2024-11-17 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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