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Sadhguru's message to America after Donald Trump's election victory

Sadhguru's message to America after Donald Trump's election victory


Indian spiritual leader and environmental activist Sadhguru has a message for Americans after Donald Trump's election victory, and it's about soil.

Sadhguru is at COP29, this year's United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Baku, Azerbaijan, to issue a rallying cry to rejuvenate soils across the world, 52% of which are already degraded, according to his organization Save Soil.

The spiritual leader wants to warn Americans against making the “serious mistake” of not paying attention to soil health, explaining that its degradation contributes to problems ranging from the loss of farmers' livelihoods to lack of nutrition and even to migration.

But he added that following the election, Americans will focus more on the economy than on ecology, especially since Trump has often opposed too much environmental regulation in the past. Under his last presidency, he rolled back, revoked or overturned more than 100 environmental rules, according to a New York Times analysis.

Sadhguru at COP29 in Baku in November 2024. The spiritual leader wants Americans to think about the health of their soil. Sadhguru at COP29 in Baku in November 2024. The spiritual leader wants Americans to think about the health of their soil. SavSoil

Newsweek reached out to Trump's team via email for a response to Sadhguru's comments.

“Whether it's President Trump or anyone else in any country, if a democratically elected leader talks about lowering the standard of living in a given country, it's over, he's outside; this is the case for all countries,” Sadhguru told Newsweek.

“This is what is happening now in the United States: the economic situation is such that, little by little, it is becoming difficult for ordinary people to maintain the way of life to which they were accustomed,” he said . “So the election shows that intent: They want someone who is going to solve this problem for them.”

Soil is the “foundation of life”

Sadhguru said the issue of soil health is more important than the cost of fuel, which is more often talked about, because it is fundamental to life.

“Soil is the largest living system, not just on this planet, in the known universe… it has billions of species of organisms,” Sadhguru said. “And a living system like that is the foundation [of] life for all of us. »

“Every life that you see walking on this planet…the root is in microbial life, microbial life is the foundation.” He warned that “this foundation of life is collapsing to such an extent that we are now talking about land extinction.”

However, Sadhguru said that “for people to consider ecology as an important concern in their national discourse, they must be reasonably comfortable, they cannot feel conflicted” and “at present, many Americans think they are in conflict.” economic conflict. »

He hopes that as a businessman, Trump “can push the country toward economic well-being and then it will be easier to talk to them.”

Sadhguru added that his “fundamental mission” has been “to officiate the marriage of economics and ecology, because if they come into conflict, the world is over because economics will always win hands down.”

How does land degradation impact Americans?

Sadhguru said that in the short term, soil rejuvenation will be particularly visible to people because of its impact on the nutritional value of the foods they consume. He added that it would even impact immigration, which has consistently been one of the most important issues for voters heading into the presidential election.

He said: “We eat more expensive food now, but there is no food. For example, in the 1920s, if you ate one California orange, to get the same nutrition as back then, you had to eat eight of them. oranges.”

Sadhguru said people would also be less likely to migrate if they could live off their own land. “If the soil was rich and people could grow their own food and live reasonably well where they are, why would they take the risk of dragging their wives and children through all kinds of conditions and coming to a strange place where They don’t have any skills or language or anything to survive there” he asked.

Fix the problem

Sadhguru believes that just as there are laws governing what people can build on the land they own, it should be true that “if you want to own agricultural land, a minimum of 3 percent organic content must be maintained”.

This is the minimum content stipulated by the United Nations for it to constitute soil.

“But what is unfortunate is that no nation on the planet [has] a minimum of 3 percent organic content on average,” Sadhguru said. The highest is in northwest Europe, which is 2.4 percent, while the United States has an average by 1.2 percent.

Sadhguru largely blamed the low numbers on modern fertilizer use, saying “we were very excited like little children” when we first discovered it.

“Suppose you and I had a good diet but were still missing something in our nutritional needs, we thought we would take a pill to make up for it,” said Sadhguru, “but the pill felt so good that we We abandoned our diet and We only took pills That's what we did with our agriculture, we used chemicals and it broke and we completely forgot about the organic content.

He also said that “the land is not our property”, but rather “it is an inheritance that came to us from previous generations and it is our fundamental responsibility to pass it on to future generations.”




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