Imran Khan's release essential to resolve political crisis: Sheikh Rashid
Awami Muslim League (AML) leader Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has called for dialogue to resolve the political crisis in the country and secure the release of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Imran Khan.
Addressing the media outside the Anti-Terrorism Court in Rawalpindi, the former interior minister expressed hope for “positive developments” in the political landscape by December 30.
“I want dialogue, even if the solution comes from a narrow path and the release of Imran Khan is achieved,” Rashid said. He criticized the “lack of justice in the country” and highlighted the continuing challenges faced by ordinary citizens.
Rashid also predicted a change in Pakistani politics, suggesting that parties including the PML-N and PPP would soon face new dynamics.
He called on authorities to release innocent individuals and workers detained in connection with the events of May 9.
Addressing economic concerns, Rashid condemned the government's financial mismanagement, highlighting their “tarnished reputation” abroad.
He highlighted the plight of the poor, including increasing inaccessibility to education, and offered financial support for school admission through his Lal Haveli office.
Rejecting any ongoing political negotiations, Rashid maintained his stance in favor of dialogue to address the country's growing crises and reiterated his call for the release of all political detainees, including Imran Khan.
PTI says November 24 will decide who will stay in party
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is gearing up for its rally in the federal capital on November 24 at the call of incarcerated party founder Imran Khan, with top party leaders putting the finishing touches on an effective strategy.
According to an Express News report, the PTI had decided to forcefully enter the federal capital from all sides next Sunday. The party founder said in a social media post that participation in the protest would determine who remained in the party.
In this regard, Bushra Bibi, wife of the PTI founder who is currently residing at the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister's House, actively participated in the preparations. On Sunday, she met youth leaders and members of the Insaf Students' Federation (ISF) to convey Imran's message.
According to Imran's instructions, released by the PTI on social media, November 24 would be the decision day, stressing that on that day “it will be decided who will stay in my party and who will not.” Imran urged party leaders to take the caravan to the streets and make videos of it.
According to the sources, the PTI leadership was determined to reach Islamabad in any case. The party leaders had mobilized resources to ensure the success of their protest rally, despite the government's expected crackdown on their workers and leaders, especially in Punjab and Islamabad.
For the success of the rally, the PTI founder had appointed three senior leaders, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Salman Akram Raja and Omar Ayub Khan, as focal persons, according to an announcement by PTI Additional General Secretary Firdaus Shamim Naqvi.
To maximize participation, the PTI had launched public awareness campaigns across Punjab, KP and Sindh. Workers conducted door-to-door campaigns at night to avoid arrests before the next rally, while a social media strategy sought to amplify the party's message.
The party had asked local organizations to ensure the departure of caravans, comprising at least 5,000 participants, from small towns, while those from larger cities should exceed 10,000, in order to show maximum force and make arrests difficult law enforcement.
The PTI had also drawn up contingency plans in case of arrests of frontline leaders, appointing second and third level leaders to take over. Regional and district leaders have been asked to intensify their mass mobilization efforts, highlighting the false accusations against Imran.
Meanwhile, in Peshawar, Bibi held a series of meetings at the Chief Minister's House with party officials from Hazara, Malakand and Balochistan. Bibi stressed the importance of intensifying efforts for Imran's release. She highlighted the role of youth and party leaders in the ongoing struggle.
During the meetings, Bibi warned that the decision regarding “party lists for the next elections” and party positions would depend on the leaders' active participation in the protest. She clarified that those who were arrested or disappeared before the demonstration would not find their place in the party.
She said there would be no turning back until Imran was released from prison. “On that day, it will be decided who is part of the Tehreek-e-Insaaf and who is not. Those who play the role of Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq will have no place in the PTI,” they said, citing the sources.
In the meetings, which were also attended by KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, Bibi issued guidelines for assembly members, office bearers and PTI workers. According to the sources, she told the group to reach D-Chowk in Islamabad at any cost on Imran's instructions.
She added that every member of the provincial and national assembly should film their journey as part of a convoy from Peshawar to Islamabad for the protest. The video is also expected to capture PTI supporters accompanying the members in their vehicles.
The November 24 rally aims to address key issues facing the party, including opposition to the 26th constitutional amendment, judicial independence, return of PTI's stolen mandate and release of political prisoners, including Imran Khan.
PTI leaders reiterated their commitment to peaceful political struggle and underlined the constitutional right to freedom of expression and protest. They called on the government to avoid hindering the gathering.
For the protest, the PTI had decided to enter Islamabad from all sides. In this regard, party leaders from Islamabad and Rawalpindi region were given the important responsibility of continuing the protests until the convoys from other regions reached Islamabad.
Convoys from all other provinces had been given separate routes to the federal capital, Express News reported, citing its sources. The PTI central committee members had proposed a sit-in at D Chowk for an indefinite period.
According to the sources, according to Express News, the KP Chief Minister had prepared a big surprise for the federal government. However, in the event of the arrest of senior party leaders, a plan B would be followed, led by the alternative leadership.
In preparation, the PTI leadership had asked its members of the National Assembly (MNA) and the Provincial Assembly (MPA) to bear the travel expenses of their constituents, thereby ensuring that party workers from all the country can join the demonstration in Islamabad.
The PTI leadership drew up a detailed plan to manage the logistics and strategy of the protest, which sources said was “more refined and strategically wiser” than previous protests, in order to give a “surprise” to the federal government .
In a separate meeting at the Chief Minister's House in Peshawar, chaired by Chief Minister Gandapur, a separate force, comprising youth, was formed to remove containers and other obstacles on the roads and counter firing. police tear gas.
Gadapur said the youth force would be provided with necessary machinery and equipment for their talks. The chief minister also told party supporters that this was the last call for the protest and no one would return from Islamabad until Imran Khan was released from Adiala jail.
Sources 2/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2510332/imran-khans-release-essential-to-resolve-political-crisis-sheikh-rashid The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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