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Team Trump turns to Project 2025 after disavowing its campaign efforts

Team Trump turns to Project 2025 after disavowing its campaign efforts


President-elect Donald Trump and his allies disavowed the conservative 2025 plan during the election, viewing the conservative transition plan and policy plan as a liability after Democrats used them to attack his campaign. Some close to Trump even suggested that those connected to the effort would be excluded from a possible administration.

They went nuclear, Howard Lutnick, Trump's transition co-chair and his nominee for Commerce secretary, told CNBC in September.

But with the campaign over, Trump's transition team is turning to Project 2025 to help staff the next administration.

Already, transition officials are considering suggestions for potential hires from the vast personnel database created by Project 2025, a person familiar with the matter told NBC News.

While Project 2025's massive book of conservative policy recommendations captured most of Democrats' attention, a central part of the effort was building a database that officials billed as a conservative LinkedIn to help to provide a new Republican administration.

The person familiar with the transition said officials overseeing plans at some departments and agencies began contacting potential recruits whose names and contact information were part of that database.

Those helping to assemble the personnel teams for the Trump transition operation sought and used information from the Project 2025 database because of the enormity of the task of filling the more than 4,000 appointee positions policies that will become vacant in 2025, this person said. .

There are a lot of vacancies and we continue to send names, including those from the database because they are conservative, qualified and verified, said the person who worked on the 2025 project. Difficult to find 4,000 strong people, then we are happy to help you.

The receptiveness to using the Project 2025 database for potential hires comes as the transition has already shown it is open to tapping contributors to the effort for administrative jobs, including Tom Homan as as border czar, Brendan Carr as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and John Ratcliffe. as director of the CIA. Homan and Ratcliffe were listed as contributors to Project 2025, while Carr wrote a chapter on the FCC.

Project 2025 contributor Brendan Carr is Trump's pick to lead the Federal Communications Commission. File Celal Gunes/Anadolu/Getty Images

Additionally, former Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought, author of Project 2025 who also served as political director of the Republican National Committees platform, is also seen as a potential administration pick.

But not everyone is welcome on board. Politico reported Thursday that the transition rejected the request of former Trump administration official Roger Severino, who wrote the Project 2025 chapter on the Department of Health and Human Services, to become deputy secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. agency, due to concerns about the anti-abortion policies it has implemented. in the political plan.

The personnel database was the cornerstone of Project 2025. Under Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official who led Project 2025, the group built a database of more than 10,000 candidates selected for their MAGA qualifications, which would strengthen the administration if Trump wins. , as ProPublica reported in August. The idea behind the effort was to ensure that a future Trump administration would have the foot soldiers needed to quickly implement its agenda upon taking office.

But as tensions grew between the Trump campaign and Project 2025, culminating in Trump's repeated rejection and disavowal of the effort, officials said they would not check the database for potential hires. . In his interview with CNBC in September, Lutnick said he would not take a 2025 draft list.

Donald Trump's transition team didn't touch it, didn't go near it, he said. And anyone who says it has anything to do with us is simply not telling the truth on purpose. Because I'm clear, clear, clear. Zero.

Lutnick reiterated his view to the New York Post before last month's vice presidential debate, calling the 2025 plan radioactive.

This was not the first time that the Trump team had attacked the Project 2025 personnel database. In July, a senior Trump campaign adviser told Semafor: If you are an organization that claims promoting Trump's policies, it's probably the last organization that takes its staff's credentials well.

But a Republican operative who spoke to NBC News shortly after Trump's election victory said it was kind of bullshit — if they were really trying to keep all these guys out.

I think that would be a big mistake, this person said. There are a lot of people with their names in the 2025 project. It's going to be difficult to really stick to it. I think they will take an example from a few people. Hopefully some of them will make it through.

Asked about the transition using the Project 2025 database, a Trump transition official said: The transition is about ensuring that great people are able to deliver on the promises made under the Trump agenda. common sense of President Trump and his landslide election day victory.

Project 2025 played a huge role in Democratic campaign advertising and the party's anti-Trump message during the candidacies of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, prompting Trump and his allies to step up their condemnations and to assert that the political program was not Trump's.

There was much overlap between Trump's agenda and the 2025 plan, which included contributions from dozens of officials from Trump's first administration. For example, the Project 2025 policy blueprint and Trump's Agenda 47 presented similar ideas on mass deportations and reducing federal bureaucracy.

There were some differences, however, since the 2025 plan included calls for banning pornography and dismantling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It also featured strict abortion rights policies that conflicted with Trump's messaging on abortion during the campaign.

At a July campaign event in Grand Rapids, Trump said people on the far right had proposed this 2025 plan.

Very, very conservative, he said. A bit opposite of the radical left. There is the radical left and the radical right. They found this. I don't know what it is. Then you read some of these things and they're really extreme. But I don't know anything about it. I don't want to know anything about it.

A September NBC News poll found that 57% of registered voters viewed Project 2025 negatively, while only 4% said they viewed the effort positively.

But even over the summer, Project 2025 insiders didn't sweat the disavowals of Trump and his campaigns, seeing them as an effort to boost his electoral chances, not an outright rejection of ideas and people. linked to this effort.

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, who railed against Draft 2025 with a super-large copy of the policy book at the Democratic National Convention in August, said Democrats need to focus on their policy response to the elevation of the leaders and ideas of Project 2025. She shared a post on Instagram in which she promoted new legislation strengthening restrictions on the collection and management of reproductive health data.

“It's easy to say we told you so, but more importantly, we now know what they're going to do, so it's up to Democrats to decide how to fight back,” McMorrow said. This is exactly what I do.




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