China and Brazil strengthen relations to forge a common future
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Wednesday announced an elevation of bilateral relations toward a “community with a shared future for a fairer world and a more sustainable planet.”
The announcement, made during Xi's state visit to Brazil, was reinforced by the leaders' commitment to align China's proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with development strategies from Brazil.
The warmth of Sino-Brazilian relations was on full display during a grand welcome ceremony hosted by Lula on Wednesday.
The ceremony was marked by a deeply moving moment: a Brazilian singer performed the iconic Chinese song My Motherland in Chinese.
It was a reciprocal gesture. When Lula visited China last year, the Chinese side played the Brazilian song Novo Tempo, or A New Time in English, during the welcoming ceremony.
Both songs have deep meaning in their respective nations. My Homeland, an ode to the Chinese people's enduring resilience and love for their country, resonates deeply with the Chinese people, while Novo Tempo, with its hopeful lyrics about a better future, symbolizes Brazil's aspirations for progress and renewal, even in difficult times.
The choice of the two songs highlights a deep understanding between the two countries: they recognize and honor what each holds dear.
During his meeting with Lula, Xi said he was deeply touched by the great importance Lula attaches to Sino-Brazilian relations and his deep friendship towards the Chinese people, as evidenced by the grand welcoming ceremony of the highest courtesy. granted to Xi.
Brazil and China are good friends who respect and depend on each other, Lula said at the meeting, adding that China is Brazil's most important strategic partner and the Chinese people are the most reliable friend of the Brazilian people.
Xi's visit to Brazil, his fifth to the South American country, comes as the two major developing countries celebrate five decades of diplomatic ties.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his wife Rosangela da Silva warmly welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping and hold a grand welcoming ceremony for Xi, ahead of talks between Xi and Lula, in Brasilia, Brazil, November 20, 2024. (Xinhua) /Xie Huanchi)
During the meeting, Xi highlighted the deep ties forged over the past half-century, noting that the two sides have found a good way for major developing countries to get along, a way based on mutual respect, mutual benefit, friendship and victory. -gain cooperation.
Brazil occupies a unique place in China's global partnerships. It is the first country to establish a strategic partnership with China. It is also the first Latin American country to enter into a comprehensive strategic partnership with China.
For Julio Bandeira, author of the historical book “Brazil on the Road to China”, the Brazilian people have a long history of love for Chinese culture and closeness with the Chinese people.
“Today, overseas Chinese in Brazil have also made great contributions to the Brazilian economy and society,” he said.
At the heart of the leaders' discussions was a commitment to align the BRI with Brazil's key development strategies. These strategies aim to modernize Brazil's infrastructure and strengthen regional connectivity, goals that echo the BRI's mission to strengthen global trade and development through shared infrastructure.
The two sides are expected to deepen cooperation in priority areas such as economy and trade, finance, science and technology, infrastructure and environmental protection, and strengthen cooperation in emerging areas such as energy transition, digital economy, artificial intelligence and green mining, Xi said. jointly meeting the press with Lula after their talks.
Lula, for his part, highlighted his intention to focus on expanding and deepening cooperation in areas such as sustainable development, infrastructure, finance, energy transition and aerospace.
Chinese President Xi Jinping talks with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Brasilia, Brazil, November 20, 2024. (Xinhua/Li Xueren)
Concrete projects are already underway. For example, the Belo Monte UHV transmission project, which creates an “electric highway” connecting the north and south of Brazil, has not only provided adequate electricity to that country's industrial hubs, but also solved the shortage problem electricity for more than 22 million Brazilians.
Meanwhile, Brazil's abundant renewable resources, including hydroelectric, solar and wind power, align perfectly with China's expertise in clean energy technology and manufacturing.
In recent years, Chinese companies have actively participated in Brazil's renewable energy sector, particularly in large-scale solar and wind projects, contributing to job creation and technological improvements in the country.
In a signed article published in Brazilian media ahead of his visit, Xi called on the two countries to “seize the opportunities presented by the times” as the new scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerate.
“We should encourage more exemplary projects that align with the trend of the times, bring lasting benefits to people, and contribute to the common development of our countries and regions,” Xi wrote.
Gleisi Hoffmann, president of the Brazilian Workers' Party, highlighted the steady growth of economic and trade relations between Brazil and China over the past 50 years. She noted that the partnership not only met the needs of both countries, but also leveraged their respective strengths to create complementary cooperation.
In recent years, she said, China has made remarkable progress in areas such as technology, education and health. Looking ahead, Hoffmann expressed confidence in the potential for deepening collaboration in these areas, envisioning a future marked by what she described as “new golden 50s.”
China is promoting high-quality development with new quality productive forces, said Mayara Araujo, a researcher at the Federal University of Fluminense in Brazil, referring to advanced productivity that is characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality.
Linking Brazil's development strategies to the BRI will bring more new opportunities to improve and modernize cooperation between the two countries, Araujo said.
The elevation of Sino-Brazilian ties towards a community with a shared future for a fairer world and a more sustainable planet occurred shortly after the 19th G20 Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Representatives of overseas Chinese, Chinese-funded local businesses and Chinese students in Brazil warmly welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping at the roadside as Xi's motorcade travels from the airport to the hotel in Brasilia, Brazil, November 19, 2024. (Xinhua) /Xu Rui)
Themed “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet,” this G20 summit provided a vital platform for leaders to tackle pressing global challenges, including hunger, economic inequality and climate change.
After calling for a just world of common development and a fair and just global governance system on Monday, Xi on Wednesday called on the two countries to move forward for global peace and justice.
Both sides should practice true multilateralism, speak out and act for justice, and make global governance more just and equitable, Xi said during his meeting with Lula.
As major developing countries, China and Brazil should take the lead in promoting debate and consultation, promoting global solidarity, and jointly tackling global challenges that affect the future of mankind, added Mr. Xi.
Both Brazil and China are committed to increasing the participation of developing countries in the decision-making processes of international organizations, said Evandro Menezes de Carvalho, a professor at Brazil's Getulio Vargas Foundation.
Furthermore, their collaboration within mechanisms such as BRICS demonstrates how they can unite around common goals and translate this solidarity into concrete actions with substantial impact, the expert said, noting that this is precisely to This is why a growing number of developing countries are keen to join these institutions.
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