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EDITORIAL | Were Ishiba and Xi really “on the same page?” »

EDITORIAL | Were Ishiba and Xi really “on the same page?” »


On November 15, Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba held his first meeting since taking office with Chinese President Xi Jinping. They met in Lima, the capital of Peru.

During their talks, Japan and China reaffirmed their commitment to advancing a mutually beneficial partnership. They also agreed to work towards a constructive and stable relationship.

In addition, they pledged to ensure the gradual implementation of the agreement to resume Chinese imports of Japanese seafood products. China previously imposed a seafood embargo in response to Japan's release of ALPS-treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean.


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Ishiba's self-assessment

After the meeting, Prime Minister Ishiba expressed his satisfaction, happily telling reporters that he believed the two leaders were “on the same page in discussions.” He revealed that they agreed to maintain “frequent communications at all levels, including summit level, to resolve outstanding issues.”

However, if Ishiba sincerely believes that the two were “on the same page”, one might wonder if his diplomatic judgment is misaligned.

If “frequent communications” at the summit level include a state visit from Xi, that would be unacceptable. After all, Xi is responsible for serious human rights violations against Uyghurs and other minority groups.


No concrete results

During the meeting, Ishiba stressed the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. He also expressed Japan's deep concerns over Chinese military actions, including territorial incursions and airspace violations in the East China Sea.

Additionally, the prime minister addressed the recent murder of a Japanese child in Shenzhen, calling for enhanced security measures for Japanese nationals in China. He also demanded the release of detained Japanese citizens.

The scene where the Japanese schoolboy was attacked. September 18, Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China. (Kyodo)

President Xi's response was non-committal. Although he said China would “ensure the safety of all foreigners, including Japanese citizens,” this is only a basic obligation of any government and does not address Japan's specific concerns.

Xi also did not provide a timetable for resuming seafood imports, casting doubt on the deal's progress. One could seriously question Ishiba's judgment that the two were “on the same page.”


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Xi's strategic thinking

The strategic partnership between Japan and China aims to expand common interests despite existing conflicts. This principle was restored by former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and President Xi when Japan and China resumed formal negotiations in 2023 after a six-year hiatus. However, is there anything about the current affiliation between Japan and China that shows such a relationship is viable?

Xi is likely aiming to temporarily recalibrate his stance toward Japan. He is already anticipating the new US administration led by President-elect Donald Trump in 2024. This appears to be a calculated move aimed at preventing Japan and the US from taking a tougher stance towards China together.

The leaders of the Chinese Communist Party firmly believe in power. For Japan to assert itself in its relations with China, it must strengthen its national capabilities, particularly in defense, economic resilience and technological innovation. At the same time, it must strengthen its alliance with the United States.

Without these efforts, diplomatic engagements and handshakes will not be enough to safeguard Japan's peace, security and national interests. Ishiba would do well to remember that.


Author: Editorial committee, The Sankei Fountain




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