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Tian Qi | Let’s come together and create a better world | Comment


COVID-19 is currently engulfing many parts of the world, endangering the lives and health of people in all countries and hitting the global economy fairly hard. The international community expects all parties to work together to fight the pandemic and stabilize the global economy.


On March 26, Chinese President Xi Jinping participated in the G20 leaders’ extraordinary summit on COVID-19 and presented four proposals.

1. First, we must be determined to wage a total world war against the COVID-19 epidemic, and a meeting of G20 health ministers should be convened as soon as possible.

2. Second, we must provide a collective response for prevention and control at the international level. Discussions are also needed regarding the establishment of regional liaison mechanisms for public health emergencies.

3. Third, we must help international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the G20 to play their active role, and a high-level meeting on international health security should be convened in due course.

4. Fourth, we must strengthen the coordination of international macroeconomic policies and prevent the global economy from falling into recession. China will continue to pursue proactive fiscal and prudent monetary policy, increase imports and overseas investment to contribute to a stable global economy.

China stands ready to work with the international community to ensure the implementation of the results of the Special Summit of G20 Leaders. We believe that with the concerted efforts of all parties, we will prevail over this pandemic, protect the health and well-being of our citizens and resume a normal order of production and life.


The Chinese people will never forget that the international community provided us with precious support and assistance during the most difficult period of China’s struggle against COVID-19. The Chinese nation is grateful and always pays kindness to others. While protecting national defense against the pandemic, we also do our best to provide assistance to other countries in need.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, China, with the vision of building a community with a common future for humanity and a responsible attitude towards the security of global public health and the well-being of peoples, has shared information COVID-19 in an open and transparent manner. and responsibly with WHO and other countries. China also shared its experience on the prevention, containment and treatment of COVID-19 without reservation, and provided as much support and assistance as possible to countries in need.

Prior to March 26, the Chinese government announced assistance to 82 countries and regions, WHO and other regional organizations, including reagent tests, masks and protective suits. Lots of these supplies were delivered to recipients.

Several teams of Chinese medical personnel experienced in the fight against COVID-19 have been dispatched to Italy, Serbia, Iran, Iraq, Cambodia, Pakistan and Venezuela, among others, to join their counterparts in the fight against the epidemic.

So far, China has organized around 20 videoconferences for experts with more than 100 countries, including Jamaica, as well as international organizations like the Caribbean Community, sharing what we have learned about COVID-19, including epidemiological characteristics, prevention and control strategies, clinical diagnosis and treatment and the search for close contacts, and offered suggestions to foreign counterparts.

China has also released the seventh version of its diagnostic and treatment protocol and the sixth version of its prevention and control protocol, helping developing countries build capacity and put in place a concerted response to the pandemic for security. regional and global health.

In addition, many provinces and sister cities in China, the Chinese Red Cross Society and some companies have donated or plan to donate various types of equipment to help the international community better fight the virus.


After the COVID-19 outbreak, China fought with all its efforts. The speed, scale and effectiveness of China’s response are rare in the world and demonstrate the strengths of the Chinese system. The most comprehensive, rigorous and comprehensive measures taken have had positive effects. Thanks to the relentless efforts of the Chinese people, the domestic situation continues to improve.

Under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party, the 1.4 billion Chinese people are united in waging this smoke-free war. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, President Xi Jinping chaired a meeting to lead the response to the epidemic, declaring a total war on the epidemic. The Chinese government quickly put in place a national comprehensive and interagency response framework. Premier Li Keqiang traveled to Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic, to inspect efforts to fight the epidemic.

We, the Chinese people across the country, stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Wuhan and Hubei, the province hardest hit. More than 40,000 medical workers in more than 300 medical teams from across the country have moved to Hubei to support the fight against epidemics. They are hailed as heroes in a harmful way. 2,600 military medical personnel have been sent to Wuhan to help fight the epidemic.

It was very impressive that several thousand engineers and construction workers, working 24 hours a day, had built two specialized hospitals with 2,600 beds in less than 15 days. Braving the freezing weather, community workers make every effort to check each block to ensure that no family in need is left unattended. Tens of thousands of volunteers work tirelessly to help provide supplies and assistance to the affected areas. Out of sympathy for their compatriots, Chinese people around the world have made cash and in-kind donations to help fight the epidemic.


While struggling to contain the COVID-19 epidemic, China is also trying to lessen its impact on the economy. We believe that once the epidemic is over, pent-up consumer demand will quickly kick in and fuel a strong economic rebound.

Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said the forecast is now for a rapid recovery in the Chinese economy as factories prepare to make up for lost time and warehouses are being replenished.

China and Jamaica are strategic partners. We stand firm against each other in the fight against the virus, the common enemy of humanity. China appreciates the understanding, sympathy and precious support of the Government and people of Jamaica to the Government and people of China.

While praising the strong leadership and rapid response of the Jamaican government and people, China is closely monitoring the development of the epidemic in Jamaica.

Good frien betta dan package of money. The Chinese government will donate medical supplies, including N95 surgical masks, disposable medical gowns, disposable medical boot covers, medical goggles, disposable medical gloves and a forehead thermometer, to help Jamaica to fight the coronavirus epidemic.

Chinese companies operating here and Chinese associations in Jamaica are also making large donations to the Jamaican public sectors, including the police, hospitals, parish councils and fire departments, for approximately $ 35 million. to show their solidarity and support.

In addition, Jack Ma, a Chinese tech titan and founder of Alibaba, a world-renowned e-commerce empire, with the Alibaba Foundation, will donate 3,000 test kits, four ventilators, and 30,000 surgical masks to Jamaica. .

I was encouraged to read in the newspapers that some Jamaicans, who have been in China since the start of the epidemic, share their experience and advice during difficult quarantine periods with their compatriots at home.

I would like to take this opportunity to reassure the Jamaican government and the people that Jamaicans in China are in good hands. We Chinese help our Jamaican friends by improving information disclosure, meeting their daily needs, treating patients and extending services to Jamaican students, taking care of them as we take care of our own children .

As winter eventually passes, and as spring is sure to come, I believe, emerging from this test, China and Jamaica and the world as a whole will become more resilient, friendship and cooperation between the Chinese and Jamaicans and people around the world will be strengthened.

Bless! Lets come together and create a better world.

Tian Qi is the Chinese ambassador to Jamaica. Email your comments to [email protected].

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