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What is a “ false flag operation ” and why does Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan keep talking about surgical strikes?


The false flag operation and surgical strikes are monopolizing the limelight in Pakistan and India. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again warned the world community against India undertaking a false flag operation against his country to distract from its “internal problems”.

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In total violation of international law, the shooting of the Indian Commission Against the LoC at a UNMOGIP vehicle, despite the clear UN markings and the UN blue flag, shows India’s total disregard for all international standards of acceptable state behavior and respect for international law and the UN. Pak strongly condemns this rogue behavior.

– Imran Khan (mImranKhanPTI) December 20, 2020

In addition to Prime Minister Khan, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, National Security Advisor Moeed Yousaf and Pakistani Army spokesman Major General Babar Iftikhar have expressed similar views in the past.

A false flag operation occurs when a country or agency performs a covert operation and blames a second party or an enemy country.

Khan’s latest allegation follows an alleged attack on a UN vehicle in Pakistani-administered Kashmir last week. Pakistan blamed India for the attack while India rejected the allegations. The UN said an investigation was underway.

Khan claimed India’s Modi government could conduct such false flag operations in Kashmir to distract from growing problems such as the economic recession, farmer protests and alleged mismanagement of COVID-19.

Khan issued the first such warning in August 2019 when New Delhi revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmirs. He then alleged that the Modi government repealed Article 370 to distract from alleged human rights violations in Kashmir.

In May and June 2020, as tensions between India and China were at their peak following the Galwan Valley incident in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed, Khan again warned that India could launch a false flag operation against Pakistan.

However, Indian experts believed that the surgical strikes undertaken by India in 2016 and 2019 were due to terrorist attacks on the Indian military by terrorist groups based in Pakistan and not its “internal problems”.

Pakistan has kept its guard up ever since. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi during his visit to Abu Dhabi last week warned India was preparing for surgery [military] strike on Pakistani soil.

Qureshi had said: I learned from our intelligence sources and they gathered this information that India is planning a surgical strike against Pakistan.

Pakistan’s national security adviser Moeed Yousaf said he received contributions from other countries, with which India has discussed the plans. Pakistani authorities have said they will retaliate with full force if India takes action.

Yousaf said if Pakistan’s warnings prevented India from taking such actions, then the world could see. However, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan launched a scathing attack on India, calling it a “Hindu Rashtra” (a Hindu nation) and calling the Modi government a “Nazi-type regime”.

India and Pakistan have both been in a Kashmir conflict since independence in 1947. While the two nuclear powers claim full authority over the Kashmir region, they only control part of it, the Kashmir Line. control separating Kashmir between India and Pakistan. The region ruled by India is Jammu and Kashmir, while the other side is loosely referred to as Pakistan administered Kashmir.

Bilateral relations were hit hard in 2019 when a Pakistan-based terrorist group attacked a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy killing 40 Indian security personnel. The same was followed by surgical strikes and aerial combat between fighter jets.

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